Photos by Marius Burcea
Wearing: H&M dress / ZARA leather studded clogs / H&M necklace / VINTAGE willow-waved basket / HANDMADE kick scooter
ACUM – Popasul Unei Clipe
Dintre toate emotiile, clipele si trairile frumoase care v-au lipsit iarna pe care le iubiti acum mai mult? Pe care le apreciati si de care va bucurati din plin? Pe care le cautati in pace, le savurati cu toate simturile si de care va umpleti inima pana la extaz? Care va fac sa visati pana la hipnoza?
Spicele inalte de grau aurit, prea –verdele campiilor, ceata de vara romantica la malul marii, soarele dogoritor? Mie, trandafirii si zborul jucaus al randunicilor. Drumul spre mare, multe fotografii? Parfumul pepenilor galbeni, senzualitatea nisipului umed, pajistile de floarea-soarelui? Mie, parul decolorat de soare si valuri imense ce se sparg la tarmul marii. Cantecul greierilor noptii? Crestele muntilor? Plimbarile in doi in prag de seara? Mie, noi doi uitati intr-un hamac. Noptile instelate, cantecul unei pasari ce rasuna in natura infinita? Si lista continua, fara a fi nevoiti sa o transformam aici in compunere scolara, la ∞ .
V-ati amintit? Spre care alergati cu nerabdare? Traiti-le acum cu intensitatea constientizarii prezentului!
Acum este pentru totdeauna! Acum este popasul unei clipe suspendate in infinit. Acum este viata unui moment proiectat in eternitate. Invingeti timpul, traind cu insufletire prezentul!
“Si apoi…verile copilariei”…Daca incepe asa se termina vara…veti zice. Nicidecum! Eu traiesc o vara fara de sfarsit! Va mai spun decat vreo doua vorbe: cosul din rachita impletita il pandesc din copilarie, i-a apartinut mamei…in verile ei…cu clipele ei, bucuriile ei, emotiile si trairile ei…precum noi toti, infinite vara…Cate or fi fost? Si cate mai sunt si vor mai fi si mirajul verii continua…ACUM!
NOW – A Moment’s Stopover
Of all beautiful emotions, moments and experiences that you have missed during winter, which ones do you now love the most? Which ones do you appreciate and which ones do you heartily enjoy? Which ones do you look for in your moments of peace, which ones do you revel in with all your senses and which ones fill your hearts to ecstasy? Which ones make you dream up to hypnosis?
Can it be the tall golden wheat spikes, the intense green of the plains, the romantic summer mist down the shoreline, the searing sun? I choose the roses and the playful flight of swallows. Can it be your way to the seaside, lots of photographs? Can it be the scent of melons, the sensuality of wet sand or the sunflower fields? I choose the sun-bleached hair and the big waves that break on the beach and ebb away. Can it be the song of the nighty grasshoppers? The peaks of the mountains? The walks in two during the evenings? I choose the image of the two of us lost in a hammock. Can it be the starry nights, the song of a bird that echoes in the infinite nature? And the list may continue, without being necessary to transform this into an ad infinitum composition.
So, did you remember? To which one do you eagerly run for? Live it now, intensely being aware of the present!
Now is forever! Now is the stopover of a moment suspended into infinity. Now is the life of a moment projected into eternity. Defeat time by vividly living into the present!
“And then… those childhood summers…” If it starts like this, it will end in the summer… you might say. Not at all! I’m living an endless summer! I’ll just say a couple of words: I have waited for this willow-waved basket since childhood, it belonged to my mother… during her summers… with her moments, her times of happiness, her emotions and experiences… which were infinite during summer, like for us all. And how many might have been? And how many there still are and there will still be and the summer’s delusion continues… NOW!
There is no end.
There is no beginning.
There is only the infinite passion of life.Federico Fellini