Just a little lace

Simonity | August 1, 2014 - 2 Comments

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Photos by Catalin Eremia

Wearing: ZARA dress, shoes, clutch bag / DANA BUDEANU belt / SWAROVSKY earrings, bracelet / MELI MELO blue scarf on hand / ORO BLU sheer printed knee-high.

Just a little lace

Niciodata nu ajungi sa cunosti prea multe si asta este minunat! La ce ti-ar folosi sa stii totul? Imi plac experientele care ajung sa-mi schimbe in totalitate viziunea asupra unui lucru! Ma incita si ma fac sa vreau sa descopar si mai mult, sa privesc lucrurile din cat mai multe perspective. Hm…in cazul de fata sa fi fost doar sosetutele dantelate?
Pentru baietii din echipa a fost o “ extravaganta” cum au spus-o chiar ei, care le-a marit adrenalina. Anyway they need a wake-up after lunch! So, thank me guys!

Pentru mine doar un Lolita outfit in care m-am simtit Alice in Wonderland!

Voi de care parte sunteti?

Just a little lace

You never get to know too much and this is awesome! What would be the point of knowing everything? I love experiences that come to totally change my point of view on something! They encourage me and make me want to discover more, to see things from many different perspectives. Hm … in this case, were there only the little lacy socks?
For the boys in the team it was an “extravagance” as they put it, which increased their adrenaline. Anyway they need a wake-up after lunch! So, thank me guys!

For me it was just a Lolita outfit in which I felt Alice in Wonderland!

What do you think?

There is no end.
There is no beginning.
There is only the infinite passion of life.

Federico Fellini
