Tulle lace fairy tale

Simonity | March 25, 2015 - 4 Comments

Simonity Tulle lace fairy tale Simona Nicorina Burcea Together are seductive and inseparable! Simonity An infinite story Simona Nicorina Burcea The dream house Simonity Magic sprinkled with drops of innocence! Simona Nicorina Burcea I’m waiting for the trees to blossom! Simonity Pure seduction! Simona Nicorina Burcea Tulle is cool again! Bring back the tulle!

Photos by Sebastian Enache

Wearing: ROXET STYLE & FASHION fairy tale dress / WHY DENIS shoes

Tulle lace fairy tale

Cu ce incepem? Vorbim despre casa din vis sau rochia din povesti? Impreuna, rochia din tulle brodat cu dantela, margele marunte si paiete delicate in culoarea lavandei si vila Mirea imi par seducatoare si inseparabile!

Inspiratiile si ideile imi vin uneori din atat de multe directii, dar ajung sa se contopeasca cu precizie pe acelasi drum exact ca o confirmare a vibratiilor interioare. In urma cu doua saptamani Sebastian s-a oprit pentru cateva secunde sa-mi arate casa de vis din Campulung Muscel.

M-a sedus pe loc pana la palpitatii, simtind acea chemare launtrica iar prima imagine creata in mintea-mi ghidusa inainte de a reapasa pe acceleratie a fost proiectia in cinematograful mintii a momentului in care pasesc pe poarta aceea mare, continundu- mi drumul pe aleile parca vrajite, simtindu-ma deja parte din poveste.

Eu sunt vrajita miraculos de fiecare data cand parcurg stradutele din acest orasel catre destinatiile unde alegem sa facem sedintele foto, mereu descoperind inca un coltisor mai fermecator decat altul. Este surprinzator cate bijuterii arhitecturale ascunse pastreaza inca, prima capitala a Tarii Romanesti.

Nu treceti prin Campulung Muscel fara sa simtiti mirajul oferit de imbogatirea vizuala a sufletului chiar si pentru o clipa zabava in fata acestei vile, construita la inceputul secolului xx dupa planul renumitului architect Ion Mincu.

Rochia din povesti s-a asezat langa mine diafan si suav, aveam intalnire, ramanandu-ne doar sa ne reunim spre implinirea unui vis de printesa si impreuna sa plutim seducator spre taramuri de povesti.

Complot sau nu, magie presarata cu stropi de inocenta, cumva eu mi-am realizat un mic vis iar IaniS traieste o mica parte dintr-o poveste infinita.

Mai vorbim despre tendinte? Nu ma treziti! Eu astept sa infloreasca copacii!

Stie cineva de cati ani ne ameteste tulle-ul fetelor? Eu ametesc numai sa-i numar. Plus de asta mai calculam si perioada in care intrase in derizoriu?

Tulle and tulle and tulle! A fairy tale fabric…De cate ori te mai intorci precum un ecou?

Tulle lace fairy tale este o altfel de magie, imi place ce face cu mine, lungimea transparenta si extravaganta a rochiei din tulle ivoire chiar vorbeste alt limbaj, acela al seductiei pure.

Tulle is cool again! Bring back the tulle!

Improvizati, pentru ca putem pluti romantic din nou printre norisori in straturi de tulle insa in creatii mult mai elaborate decat obisnuita fusta model balerina, nu sunteti de acord?

Tulle lace fairy tale

What shall we start with? Shall we talk about the dream house or about the fairy tale dress? Together, the embroidered beaded tulle lace dress with delicate lavender sequins and the Mirea mansion seem seductive and inseparable!

Inspiration and ideas are generated from so many directions that they end up merging precisely on the same road exactly like a confirmation of inner vibes. Two weeks ago Sebastian stopped for a few seconds to show me the dream house of Campulung Muscel.

It seduced and thrilled me instantly, making me feel that inner calling, while the first image created by my witty mind before speeding up again was a projection on my mental screen of the moment when I would walk through that big gate, stepping forward on those seemingly enchanted alleys, already feeling that I was part of the story.

I feel miraculously charmed every time I walk on the streets of this small town, heading towards destinations we pick for our photo shoots, always discovering a more fascinating place than the last one explored. It is surprising to see the many hidden architectural pieces of art that still preserve the first capital of Wallachia.

Don’t pass through Campulung Muscel without feeling the awe of the visual images enriching your soul even for a moment spent in front of this mansion built in the early 20th century and designed by the famous architect Ion Mincu.

The fairy tale dress sat by my side in all its airy and flowy splendor – we were on a date and all we had to do was to become united for accomplishing the dream of a princess and together to flow seductively towards fairy tale realms.

Plot or not, magic sprinkled with drops of innocence, did I happen to accomplish a simple dream of mine while IaniS was experiencing a small part in an infinite story?

Shall we still talk about trends? Don’t wake me up! I’m waiting for the trees to blossom!

Do any of you girls know for how many years tulle entrances us? I get dizzy only trying to count them. Besides, should we still add the time when it sunk into oblivion?

Tulle and tulle and tulle! A fairy tale fabric… How many times will you still return like an echo?

Tulle lace fairy tale is a different kind of magic, I love what it does to me; indeed, the extravagant and transparent length of the ivory tulle dress speaks another language, the language of pure seduction.

Tulle is cool again! Bring back the tulle!

Improvise because we can sail again through the sky among clouds in a romantic mood, in tulle layers and much more elaborate creations than the ordinary tutu; don’t you agree?

There is no end.
There is no beginning.
There is only the infinite passion of life.

Federico Fellini
