Photos by Catalin Eremia
Wearing: DANA BUDEANU dress / MUSETTE high heels / PARFOIS clutch bag / MELI MELO bracelet
Fly free
Ador hainele care prind viata, rochiile clos care ma fac sa-mi doresc sa nu ma opresc din piruete, cele care ma ispitesc sa- mi ridic mainile catre cer, invartindu-ma sa cuprind intreg universul cu bratele, sa tip in gandu-mi: ”thank GOD I’m a woman”! Cea mai fina adiere de vant se rasfira in zeci de franjuri care traiesc alaturi de mine fiecare emotie a dezgolirii. Pe umeri bat mii de aripi, fluturi colorati care-mi mangaie gatul…
Fly free
I love clothes that come to life, flared dresses that make me wish I could keep spinning in them, the ones that tempt me to raise my hands to the sky, spinning to embrace the entire universe with my arms, to scream in my mind “thank GOD I’m a woman”! The softest breeze scatters in dozens of fringes living with me every emotion of stripping. On my shoulders thousands of wings flap, colored butterflies caressing my neck …
There is no end.
There is no beginning.
There is only the infinite passion of life.Federico Fellini
Eleganta si rafinamentul tau se îmbina perfect cu stilul individual ce de multe ori nu este obligatoriu a avea legătura cu îmbrăcămintea si totuși la tine are rezultând ….
@Adi Breazu: …Simonity…:-)