Green not for sale

Simonity | August 4, 2014 - 8 Comments

I10A2246 I10A2325 I10A2396 I10A2462 I10A2436 I10A2358 I10A2469

Photos by Catalin Eremia

Wearing: ZARA dress, sandals / H&M earrings / MUSETTE clutch bag / orchid hair accessory

Green not for sale

Peter este un mic burghez,  jumatate bulgar,  jumatate ceh. Nu a stat o clipa pe ganduri sa ne daruiasca bucurie imprumutandu-ne masina pentru cateva cadre desi astepta din clipa in clipa sa-i vina oaspeti din Cehia. Regizor de film retras din activitate de 10 ani, isi savureaza viata pe perioada verii intr-un satuc  din apropierea litoralului bulgaresc.  L-am intalnit in spatele unor ziduri de piatra inalte care ascund un conac cum rar intalnesti in zona, iar masinuta ma astepta protejata de soare la umbra unui stejar secular. L-am simtit, a fost incantat sa ne urmareasca si sa retraiasca putin din magia care se afla in spatele camerei,  fie ea si de fotografiat.

Pe Peter il zaresc de cativa ani in incursiunile noastre pe meleagurile vecine gonind pe aceiasi sosea cu mandretea lui verde pe care scrie in limba bulgara: nu este de vanzare…Mi-am dorit din prima clipa sa-l cunosc pe domnul misterios care conducea  bijuteria si  sa fiu mai aproape de Citroen-ul din anii ‘50! Cu certitudine  iti creezi viata cu gandurile tale!  Sau cum ar spune un regizor: “ Proiecteaza-ti filmul vietii in cinematograful mintii!”

Green not for sale

Peter is a little bourgeois, half Bulgarian, half Czech. He never hesitated to give us joy by borrowing us the car for a few shoots though he was momentarily expecting guests from the Czech Republic. Film director retired for 10 years, he enjoys life during the summer in a small village near the Bulgarian coast. I met him behind some rare high stone walls that hide a mansion rarely seen in those parts, and the car was waiting for me protected from the sun in the shade of a secular oak. I felt he was thrilled to watch us and to relive a bit of the magic that is behind the camera, even if it is a still camera.

I have seen Peter several times for some years during our raids on the neighboring lands speeding on the same road with his green beauty on which it is written in Bulgarian: not for sale … I wanted from the first moment to meet the mysterious man that was driving the jewel and to be close to the Citroen made in the 50’s. Certainly you can create your life with your thoughts! Or as a director would say: “Design your life movie in the theater of the mind!”

There is no end.
There is no beginning.
There is only the infinite passion of life.

Federico Fellini
