Cobalt Blue

Simonity | April 3, 2015 - 2 Comments

Simonity Cobalt Blue Simona Nicorina Burcea Cobalt Blue Simonity A playful look Simona Nicorina Burcea Energetic cocktail Simonity Blue is the coldest colour Simona Nicorina Burcea Can you resist it Simonity Vibrant Cobalt Blue Crush Again! Simona Nicorina Burcea Joie de Vivre

Photo by Sebastian Enache

Wearing: ZARA shirt, lace –up sandals, clutch bag / H&M skirt, belt / MELI MELO PARIS earrings, necklace

Cobalt Blue

Dupa o saptamana mai zbuciumata simt ca e cazul sa-mi marturisesc pacatele: Dupa sedinta foto de ieri mi-a fost cald!

V-am tot prezentat foite de ceapa care sa va tina de cald o iarna intreaga. Cert este ca mi-am dorit foarte mult sa fiti invincibile in fata frigului, sa iesiti din zona de comfort, sa fiti increzatoare si curajoase. Am omis sa va povestesc behind the scene, aventurile frigului, poate iarna viitoare… acum visez la un bronz auriu si la valurile marii. Oricum, intr-un final, sunt in extaz; 8 grade Celsius chiar sunt exotism pentru o sedinta foto!

Efectele adverse sunt: un cocktail plin de viata, expansiv, indraznet si plin de energie, un look jucaus dat de aerul ingenuu al fustei dar in acelasi timp electric impus de impactul uneia dintre nuantele vedete ale sezonului, Cobalt Blue, revenit in centrul atentiei in aceasta primavara. Am potrivit acelasi Cobalt Blue al fustei cu aceste uimitoare lace –up sandals pe care nu am rezistat tentatiei de a le comanda din prima clipa in care le-am vazut.

Tocmai pentru ca nu mi-am dorit un stil simplu si minimalist Cobalt Blue, ba dimpotriva, am adaugat outfit-ului o camasa in carouri alb / negru, aventurandu-ma mai mult si accesorizand tinuta in contrast cu ajutorul cerceilor si al colierului(purtat bratara) in nuanta corai din noua colectie Electric Africa.

Totusi, stiati ca albastrul este cea mai rece culoare? Insa, stie sa-si joace rolul seductiei perfect la valoarea sa absoluta cea mai pura.

Can you resist it?

Vibrant Cobalt Blue Crush Again!

Cobalt Blue

After a rather tumultuous week I feel like it’s time to confess my sins: yesterday, after the photo shoot I felt hot!

I kept presenting layers to keep you warm the whole winter. The truth is that I wanted really badly for you to win this battle against cold temperatures, for you to step out of your comfort zone, to be confident and brave. I omitted to tell you, behind the scene, the adventures of feeling cold,  maybe next winter…. Now I am dreaming about a golden tan and sea waves. Anyway, in conclusion, I’m ecstatic; 8 degrees Celsius are quite exotic for a photo shoot!

Side effects: a vibrant, exuberant, daring and energetic cocktail, a playful look added by the ingenuous nature of the skirt and, at the same time, electric because of the impact of one of the star shades of this season, cobalt blue, coming back under the spotlight this spring. I matched the cobalt blue of the skirt with these amazing lace-up sandals that I could not resist ordering the very first moment I saw them.

Precisely because I didn’t want a simple and minimal Cobalt Blue style, but, on the contrary, I added to this outfit a black and white checkered shirt, further daring to accessorize it creating contrasts with the coral earrings and necklace (worn as a bracelet) of the new Electric Africa collection.

Anyway, did you know that blue is the coldest colour? Yet it plays perfectly its part in seduction, at its purest and absolute value.

Can you resist it?

Vibrant Cobalt Blue Crush Again!

There is no end.
There is no beginning.
There is only the infinite passion of life.

Federico Fellini
