Dreams can came true with a dress

Simonity | December 22, 2014 - 5 Comments

Simonity red lace dress Simona Nicroina Burcea light Simona Nicorina Burcea Give life to your dress! Simonity celebrate your dress Simonity earrings Simonity red lace dress Dana Budeanu Simona Nicorina Burcea Live your dreams

Photos by Sebastian Enache

Wearing: DANA BUDEANU dress / ZARA sandals / QUEEN FASHION earrings, bracelet

Dreams can came true with a dress

M-am hotarat sa sarbatoresc rochia din aceste imagini pentru ca mi-a purtat mult noroc, mi-a adus multe impliniri, mi-a daruit multa viata! Mai mult, este rochia perfecta pentru dans si aici vorbim de dansul acela din care nu stii sigur daca iti poti pastra tocurile intregi si nevatamate la incaltari pana spre zorii zilei. Este rochia pe care am imbracat-o anul trecut la petrecerea de Revelion exact in conditiile de mai sus. Acum in prag de Craciun ii multumesc Mosului, purtand rochia din dantela rosie de un farmec deosebit, cu care am pasit in anul 2014.

Ca un preambul pentru tinutele pe care le veti imbraca la petrecerile ce urmeaza, simtiti-va libere sa alegeti rochia care sa va faca sa aratati mai suple sau tinuta “sigura” si “ salvatoare”(stiti voi care), alegeti-o pe cea cu care ati vrea sa va faceti placute in ochii altora, alegeti-va culoarea preferata, modelul care va avantajeaza, cel care va pune in valoare tot ceea ce aveti mai frumos dar va rog sa nu uitati sa priviti alegerea din perspectiva rochiei care sa va indeplineasca dorinta de la miezul noptii! Alegeti cu inima rochia in care urmeaza sa primiti primul sarut din anul viitor! Acestea se vor vedea in atitudinea voastra din noaptea trecerii dintre ani si se vor simti pe tot parcursul anului viitor!

Live your dreams, give life to your dress!

Dreams can come true with a dress

I decided to celebrate the dress in these pictures because it brought me luck, many fulfillments and it made me feel very much alive! Besides, it is the perfect dress for dancing and we’re talking about that kind of dance that makes you wonder if you can keep your heels safe and sound until the break of dawn. It is the dress that I wore for last year’s New Year party exactly in the conditions above. Now, just before Christmas I thank Santa by wearing the absolutely charming red lace dress with which I stepped into the New Year – 2014.

As an introduction for the outfits you are going to wear at the following parties, feel free to choose the dress that will make you feel more slender or the “safe” and “saving” outfit (you know what I am talking about), choose the one you would like to make you look attractive in front of others, choose your favorite color, the style that compliments you, the one that makes the most of you, but please don’t forget to look at your choice from the perspective of the dress that will fulfill your midnight wish! Choose with your heart the dress in which you are going to receive the first kiss of the New Year! All these will be visible in your attitude during the night between the years and throughout the next year!

Live your dreams, give life to your dress!

There is no end.
There is no beginning.
There is only the infinite passion of life.

Federico Fellini
