Winter Gipsy Love

Simonity | February 9, 2015 - 6 Comments

Simona Nicorina Burcea Gipsy is passion Simonity Gipsy is not to ask anyone for permission for anything Simonity “No, anyway, your sign is wild free horse”! Simonity free spirit Simonity gipsy is beyond limits Simona Nicorina Burcea unconditional love Simona Nicorina Burcea Gipsy it’s a lifestyle! Simona Nicorina Burcea Gipsy is Ah!!!

Photos by Sebastian Enache

Wearing: DANA BUDEANU Love is Gipsy dress / ZARA natural fur coat / CATHIAS EDELINE boots / BSB belt, large scarf / HAND MADE bracelets / H&M rose – shaped brooch.

Gipsy Winter Love

Zilele trecute un vechi prieten, surprins de faptul ca eu ii stiu semnul zodiacal si oarecum stanjenit ca nu are cunostiinte despre constelatia sub care eu sunt nascuta, zice scurt: “No, oricum zodia ta e cal salbatic liber!”.

Ai dreptate, Romane (numele lui real), sunt suflet nomad ,nu pot sta prea mult intr-un loc, ma simt nascuta pe drumuri, singurul loc in care ma simt acasa este in propria-mi inima sau, bine hai, si la mama in brate dar si pe ea as lua-o cu mine in lumea larga impreuna cu toata familia. Nu! Nu o sa va vina sa credeti, nu suntem batuti in cuie nicaieri. Ne nastem liberi si Zen. Parcurgem viata insa subjugati de niste programe despre ce trebuie si cum nu trebuie alaturi de marionetele de la teatrul de papusi.

Gispy este: Ah!!!

Gipsy este pasiune ,am zis PASIUNE, este legea ta si numai a ta, este spirit liber, credinta in tine, iubire neconditionata, si ceea ce inseamna sa nu ceri voie nimanui pentru nimic, gipsy inseamna brate larg deschise si lista o continuati voi la ∞  pentru ca gipsy este dincolo de limite!

Gipsy look nu se descrie, se simte si se traieste pana in adancul fiintei!

Gipsy it’ s a lifestyle!

Gipsy Winter Love

The other day an old friend of mine, surprised by the fact that I knew his zodiac sign and sort of embarrassed that he knew nothing about the constellation under which I was born, just said: “No, anyway, your sign is wild free horse”!

Your right, Romane( his real name), I am a nomad soul, I can’t be for too long in one place, I feel like I was born on the road, the only place I feel at home is inside my own heart or, ok, maybe in my mom’s arms too, but I would take her with me all over the world, along with the whole family. No! You’re not going to believe this, but we’re not set in stone anywhere. We are born free and Zen. Still, we go through life enslaved by programs, by what we can and we can’t do, along with the puppets from the puppet show.

Gipsy is: Ah!!!

Gipsy is passion; I said PASSION! It’s your law and your law alone, is free spirit, belief in yourself, unconditional love and what it is not to ask anyone for permission for anything, gipsy is wide open arms and you can add to the list to ∞ because gipsy is beyond limits!

Gipsy look cannot be described, it is felt and it is lived to the bottom of your being!

Gipsy it’s a lifestyle!

There is no end.
There is no beginning.
There is only the infinite passion of life.

Federico Fellini
