Shoot and score

Simonity | October 13, 2014 - 4 Comments

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Photos by Catalin Eremia

Wearring: ZARA dress / MUSETTE shoes, clutch bag / SINEQUANONE blazer / ZARA feather brooch / CALZEDONIA over the knee socks / OR DU TEMPS jewellery

Shoot and score

Gasesc de-a dreptul revoltatore acea intrebare, acel raspuns, acea atitudine pe care o aud mai mereu: imi place foarte mult dar unde sa port eu asa ceva, este super dar chiar nu as iesi din casa imbracata cu asa ceva, este in tendinte dar nu am curaj, dar nu am cu ce sa asortez.

In spatele tuturor acestor insiruiri si al altora pe care nu mi le mai mai amintesc simt ca se ascunde o adevarata dorinta din partea fetelor sa poarte cu disperare acel obiect vestimentar sau accesoriu! Cum sa nu ai unde? Inventezi momentul, locul si timpul! Si daca ma intrebi pe mine, fix acel lucru, indiferent ce reprezinta el, pe care l-ai cumpara (sau mai rau: pe care l-ai cumparat si nu-l porti) pentru ca te-ai indragostit de el dar „nu ai unde”, este quelque chose. Esti tu si reprezinta esenta ta!

Unde? Fix in mijlocul zilei. Pentru ca asa ai stabilit tu regula ta, de miercuri dupa amiaza de exemplu! Iti garantez ca te vei simti cel mai bun jucator pe teren advers! GOL!

Studiind problema in cercul fetelor trag concluzia ca toate astea se nasc si din interesul asiduu, de neinteles pentru capra vecinului, din dementa sucitului gatului, clevetitului, al iesitului ochilor din orbite, al datului coatelor, al fluieratului si al claxonatului nu mai zic, traite si pe propria piele de ∞ ori. Cand vor inceta oare in tarisoara noastra? Impolitetea ar trebui impozitata!

Vorbim acum despre sosete, in this case over the knee, pe care intr-un sfarsit le vad purtate si pe strazile noastre! Abia astept sa le port in toate culorile si in toate ideile, cu tot ce e mai scurt!

Iubiti-va alegerile!

Shoot and score

I find it to be absolutely outrageous, that question, that answer, that attitude I see and hear all the time: I love it, but where am I going to wear that, it’s awesome, but I wouldn’t go out wearing that, it’s trendy, but I don’t have the courage, I don’t have anything to match it with.

Beyond all these arguments and many other pretexts I cannot even remember right now I feel there is a real desire coming from that respective girl to wear desperately that certain item! What do you mean “where am I going to wear that”? You invent an excuse, a moment, a place! And If you asked me, precisely that item – no matter what it is – which you would buy (or worse: you bought it, but don’t wear it) because you just love it, but you have nowhere to wear it, is that quelque chose. It is you, it represents your essence!

When? Simply at noon, in the middle of the day! Because you decided on this rule, as of Wednesday afternoon, for example! I guarantee you will feel you are the best player playing away! SHOOT AND SCORE!

After studying this issue amongst girls I concluded that such repression is generated by a relentless incomprehensible interest in the possessions of our neighbor, by an insane desire to twist the neck of the other, to gossip, to look outraged and judge, to elbow, to whistle, to sound the horn – pointless to add that the latter affected me directly ∞ times. When will all this stop from happening in our country? Impoliteness should be taxed!

Now let’s talk about socks, in this case over the knee, which finally arrived on our streets too! I can’t wait to wear them in all possible colors and combinations, with the shortest items!

Love your choices!

There is no end.
There is no beginning.
There is only the infinite passion of life.

Federico Fellini




