Turn Your Hair On!

Simonity | January 8, 2019 - No Comments

Simona Nicorina Burcea Wonderful Hair Simonity Turn Your Hair On Simonity Beauty Hair Care Simonity Hair CareSimona Nicorina Burcea Beauty Hair Care Simona Nicorina Burcea Beautiful HairSimona Nicorina Burcea Curly Hair

Photos by David Ghisa

Turn Your Hair On!

Let’s talk about hair, baby

Let’s talk about you and me

Let’s talk about all the g∞d things

And the bad things that may be

Let’s talk about… Hair!!!

Voi cum va ingrijiti parul? Ce faceti in fiecare zi pentru parul vostru, pentru a arata ca in reclamele TV (matasos, lung, stralucitor, „in viata”). La ce tratamente recurgeti? Trucuri? Sunteti adeptele meselor? Perucilor? Chiar sunt curioasa pentru ca eu dintotdeauna am fost conservatoare in privinta parului (lung si cret, cu o singura exceptie cand m-am tuns scurt in liceu, remember Loredana Botila?) si asta pentru ca imi iubesc parul exact asa cum este si nu l-as schimba cu nimic, pentru nimic. Va vopsiti? Ce folositi? Vopsea permananta? Semi-permanenta? Nuantator? Cat de mult va plac schimbarile? Unde le faceti? Acasa? La salon? Cat de repede va plictisiti de culoarea parului? Cat de des va schimbati look-ul radical? Ce ziceti? Sunt multe intrebari si banuiesc cumva ca exista o intrebare diferita pentru fiecare dintre voi si un raspuns la fel de diferit venit din partea voastra. Si tocmai aceste diferente ne fac pe toate atat de speciale si diferite. That’s So Great!

Acum despre parul meu, veti spune probabil: „Pai da, tie iti este usor sa vorbesti. Hm! Parul tau! Ce l-as mai ciufuli! (Mi se spune des!) Il speli, il usuci si gata! Totul e ca si iesit din cutie! Asa si este intr-un fel, va voi spune eu, insa, cu cateva ocolisuri. Parul ondulat/cret natural are nevoie de ingrijire speciala, de calitate, la fel ca orice alt tip de par, cu sau fara probleme, mai mult sau mai putin speciale. Daca vreti sa arate WOW! Si eu vreau! Mereu!

Cred cu toata fiinta mea ca parul este cea mai de pret podoaba a unei femei si n-am niciun dubiu in aceasta privinta. The only crown you never get down is your hair! Got The Point? C∞L! Pentru mine acest lucru se traduce prin faptul ca a avea multa grija de parul meu e ca si cum as respira si tot la fel se traduce, invariabil, prin foarte multe produse de ingrijire si styling pe care le folosesc, de asemenea. Am fost intrebata de sute de ori, fara exgerare, ce fel de produse de styling folosesc. Am raspuns de fiecare data cam asa: ai timp sa vorbim cateva ore sau iti scriu un referat sau iti fac poze sau toate la un loc? I mean dear: este imposibil sa intelegi ce combinatii de 1 luate cate 3X5 fac. Asa ca in cele ce urmeaza va voi explica de fapt ca indiferent ce produse de styling folositi (daca doriti mult voi face si despre asta un material separat) important e materialul pe care aplici styling-ul si materialul acela trebuie ingrijit permanent fara exceptie.

Acum ca am degajat putin situatia, sa trecem la lucruri mai serioase!

Sunt sigura de faptul ca fiecare stie cel mai bine ceea ce isi doreste pentru propriul par insa eu vreau sa va vorbesc despre experienta pe care eu am avut-o recent cu produsele de ingrijire a parului Cadiveu Professional pe care eu le-am descoperit prin intermediul Privilege Salon.

Primul contact a fost cel vizual si, fiind o iubitoare de culoare si natura, mi-a placut foarte mult ambalajul 100% reciclabil si viu colorat al produselor. Prima informatie pe care Ionut mi-a dat-o in timp ce ne relaxam la un ceai inainte de a incepe distractia photo, dar si rasfatul, a fost: Stiai ca termenul de garantie al produselor este de doar 6 luni? Wow! That’s Something! Love It! Tell Me More! Si uite asa am aflat multe despre aceste produse si multe altele despre oameni minunati dedicati intru totul pasiunii lor: parul!

Pentru cei interesati sa afle mai multe despre acest minunat brand de origine braziliana:  Cadiveu Professional Romania este o companie care vine cu solutii noi, ecologice si inovatoare pentru problemele parului deshidratat, frizz, rebel. Foloseste ingrediente naturale, tehnologii verzi, un prim exemplu in acest sens fiind tratamentul cu Sugarcane Cysteine, Rubi, Omega 3, 6, 9, o tehnologie pentru hidratare intensa si nutritie profunda, acest tip de tratament castigand premiul GreenBest in anul 2011.

PLASTICA DE ARGILA se numeste tratamentul pe care Ionut l-a folosit pentru parul meu, un kit realizat pentru reconstructia rapida a parului fragil. O tehnologie bazata pe: Acid Hyaluronic (puternic impotriva imbatranirii, umple straturile profunde ale parului), Organic Silica (oligoelement pretios esential pentru vitalitatea parului, pentru cresterea capilara si elasticitatea firului de par), White Clay (nutrienti si uleiuri).

Beneficii imediate simtite de mine: hidratare intensa, incredibila, nemaintalnita pana acum. Amazing! Practic produsele de styling nu erau absorbite rapid de par. Dupa uscarea cu foehn-ul: densitate, par flexibil, foarte stralucitor, par fara frizz. Acest timp de tratament se sugereaza sa fie efectuat la 15 zile, insa efectul lui isi face simtita prezenta pana la o luna si, pe langa efectele rapid vizibile, creeaza un film de protectie durabil impotriva agresiunilor externe si impiedica despicarea varfurilor parului.

Reactii externe: pentru prima data am fost intrebata (eu avand parul la fel mereu) dupa cateva zile, cand si uitasem de tratament (de o fata hairstylist chiar):

-Ce ti-ai facut la par? Te-ai vopsit?

Eu, foarte inocenta:

– Nimic! De ce?

– Arata foarte misto! E stralucitor! Puternic!

Tot eu, dupa o pauza lunnngaaaaa!

-Daaaaaaaaaa!!!!! Mi-am facut un tratament! PLASTICA DE ARGILA! Si am inceput sa povestesc!

So, Let’s Talk About Hair! Voi va amintiti cand ati facut ultima data ceva pentru parul vostru ca sa arate absolut fabulos?

Cu o ingrijire de calitate, adaptata problemelor scalpului, a parului, cat si a nevoilor interioare ale organismului si, de ce nu, si a dorintelor estetice, toate femeile pot sa isi poarte zilnic coroana de regina nestingherite! Chiar cred!

Pentru cei interesati vreau sa enumar aici restul de tratamente pe care le puteti descoperi la Privilege Salon:

  • SMOOTHING PROTEIN – descoperire naturala de indreptare pentru firul de par gros si rezistenta pana la 3 luni;
  • PLATINUM – special conceput pentru parul blond, neutralizeaza pigmentul de galben, hidrateaza si reduce efectul de frizz, lasandu-l moale si stralucitor;
  • HAIR REMEDY – remediu pentru parul deteriorat;
  • DETOX – High Tech Green pe baza de clorofila, metionina (ajuta la cresterea sanatoasa a parului), extract de jambu (intareste si intinereste parul), vitamine, complex de aminoacizi;
  • GLAMOUR – formula castigatoare a premiului GreenBest 2011, hidratare intensa si nutritie profunda cu: Omega 3, 6, 9, Rubi, Sugarcane Cysteine.
  • BRASILIAN THERMAL RECONSTRUCTION – acest tratament a fost lansat in 2006 cu succes, fara precedent in peste 45 de tari. Brasil Cacau este alegerea designerilor de par de top din intreaga lume. Rezultatul tratamentului este atribuit actiunii pH-ului acid pe cuticula de par. Din acest motiv tratamentul nu modifica structura interna a parului. Rezultat: un par natural incredibil de neted si stralucitor. Ingredienti activi: Keratina, cacao.
  • BRASIL CACAU ECOKERATIN – perfect pentru a restabili sanatatea parului si pentru a obtine un efect de par neted cu o stralucire radianta. Ofera parului blond un efect platinum. Ecokeratina are o formula cu ingrediente noi ecologice si exclusive: centaurea cyanus, o planta cu pigment violet ce previne ingalbenirea, trestia de zahar, cisteina, omega 3, 6, 9.

Si daca va pot da un sfat strict personal, nu profesional, si pot, acela este: frumusetea incepe intotdeuna cu un par proaspat spalat, fiindca frumusetea vine dintr-o curatenie personala interioara si exterioara. Dupa aceea, zic eu, putem apela fiecare la „artificii” dupa bunul plac. Dar despre acest aspect sper sa vorbim cu alta ocazie mai pe larg.

Pentru uzul zilnic eu folosesc acasa produsele destinate parului ondulat natural, produse imbogatite cu palmier amazonian pentru un par hranit, hidratat, stralucitor, bucle si varfuri definite cu miscare naturala, si anume: Gama BOSSANOVA MAXI ONDAS by Cadiveu Professional Romania, sampon, balsam si spray instant activator de bucle.

In final, si nu numai, va pup si va multumesc tuturor pentru sustinere! Va stiti voi, toti cei dragi si apropiati sufletului meu, cei cu drag pentru frumos si bunatate izvorata din suflet!



Sunteti minunate asa cum sunteti si cum poate deveni si parul vostru!


Turn Your Hair On!!!

Turn Your Hair On!

Let’s talk about hair, baby

Let’s talk about you and me

Let’s talk about all the g∞d things

And the bad things that may be

Let’s talk about… Hair!!!

How do you take care of your hair? What do you do for your hair every day just to look like in the commercials (soft, long, shiny, „alive”)? What treatments do you turn to? What about tricks? Do you advocate for hair pieces? Wigs? I am quite curious because I have always been conservative with my hair (long and curly, except once, in high school, when I cut my hair short; do you remember, Loredana Botila?) and that’s because I love my hair just as it is and I wouldn’t change it for anything in the world. Do you colour your hair? What do you use? Permanent dye? Demi-permanent? Tint? How much do you like changes? Where do you make them? At home? In a salon? How quickly do you get tired of your hair’s colour? How often do you radically change your look? What do you say? There are a lot of questions and I assume that each of you has a different question and a different answer as well. And exactly these differences make us so special and different. That’s So Great!

Now let’s talk about my hair, you would probably say: “Well yes, it’s easy for you to say. Hmm! Your hair! How I would ruffle it! (I am often told!) You wash it, dry it and that’s it! It looks spick and span!” And so it is in a certain way, I might say, but with a few detours. Naturally crisp/curly hair needs special and qualitative care, like any other type of hair, with or without problems, more or less special. If you want it to look WOW! And I want! Always!

I believe with all my soul that a woman’s hair is her most precious adornment and I have no doubt about it. The only crown you never get down is your hair! Got The Point? C∞L! As far as I am concerned, this can be translated by the fact that taking great care of my hair is like breathing and also it can invariably be translated by numerous care and styling products which I also use. I have been asked hundreds of times, without exaggerating, what type of styling products I used. Each and every time I answered like this: do you have a few hours free to talk about it or should I write you a report or should I take you some pictures or all of them? I mean dear: it’s impossible to understand how many combinations I make. So, as explained further below, I am going to state that irrespective of what styling products you may use (if you want I will make a separate material about it), the material on which you apply the styling products is important and that material must be permanently cared for, without exception.

Now that we have relieved the situation a little bit, let’s get to more serious business!

I am sure that everyone knows best what he/she wants for his/her own hair, but I want to talk to you about the experience I recently had with Cadiveu Professional care products for hair which I discovered by means of Privilege Salon.

The first contact was the visual one and being a colour and nature lover, I loved the products’ 100% recyclable and brightly coloured package. The first piece of information that Johnny gave me while we were relaxing at a cup of tea before starting the photo fun, but also the indulgence was: Did you know that the products’ warranty period is of only 6 months? Wow! That’s something! Love it! Tell me more! And this is how I found out about these products and many more about wonderful people, totally devoted to their passion: hair!

For those interested in learning more about this wonderful Brazilian brand: Cadiveu Professional Romania is a company which comes with new, ecological and innovative solutions, for the problems of dehydrated, frizz and rebel hair. It uses natural ingredients, green technologies, the first example in this respect being the treatment with Sugarcane Cysteine, Rubi, Omega 3, 6, 9, an intense hydration and deep nutrition technology, this type of treatment winning the GreenBest prize in 2011.

PLASTICA DE ARGILA is the treatment that Johnny used for my hair, a kit designed for the rapid reconstruction of fragile hair. A technology based on: Hyaluronic Acid (strong against ageing, fills-in the deep layers of hair), Organic Silica (precious trace element for hair vitality, capillary growth and hair elasticity), White Clay (nutrients and oils).

Immediate benefits felt by me: intense, incredible and unprecedented hydration until now. Amazing! Practically the styling products were not rapidly absorbed by hair. After using the hair dryer: density, flexible hair, very shiny, frizz-less hair. It is suggested that this type of treatment be performed every 15 days, but its effect can be noticed up to one month and apart from its rapid visible effects it creates a durable protection film against external aggressions and avoids split ends.

External reactions: for the first time I was asked (I always had the same hair style) after a few days, when I had almost forgotten about the treatment (even from a hairstylist):

-What did you do to your hair? Did you colour it?

Me, very innocently:

– Nothing! Why?

– It looks really nice! It’s shiny! Strong!

Also me, after a loooonggg pause!

-Yessssssssss!!!!! I had a treatment done! PLASTICA DE ARGILA! And I started to tell her!

So, Let’s Talk About Hair! Do you remember when you last did something for your hair to look fabulous?

With a quality care, adapted to the needs of the scalp and hair and body’s inner needs and aesthetic needs, all women can freely wear their queen crowns every day! I really do!

For the interested ones, I wish to enumerate the rest of the treatments which you can discover at the Prestige Salon:

  • SMOOTHING PROTEIN – natural discovery for straightening thick hair and resistance up to 3 months;
  • PLATINUM – specially designed for blond hair, it neutralises the yellow pigment, hydrates and reduces frizz, leaving the hair soft and shiny;
  • HAIR REMEDY – remedy for damaged hair;
  • DETOX – High Tech Green based on chlorophyll, methionine (helps to hair’s healthy growth), Jambu extract (straightens and youthens hair), vitamins, a complex of amino acids;
  • GLAMOUR – winning formula of the GreenBest prize in 2011, intense hydration and deep nutrition with: Omega 3, 6, 9, Rubi, Sugarcane Cysteine.
  • BRASILIAN THERMAL RECONSTRUCTION – this treatment was launched in 2006, with an unparalleled success in over 45 countries. Brasil Cacau is the choice of top hair designers across the world. The treatment’s result is attributed to the action of the acid pH on the hair cuticle. From this reason, the treatment does not change the hair’s inner structure. Result: an incredibly smooth and shiny natural hair. Active ingredients: Keratin, cocoa.
  • BRASIL CACAU ECOKERATIN – perfect to restore hair’s health and to obtain the effect of smooth hair with a radiant brightness. It gives blond hair a platinum effect. ECOkeratin has a formula of new ecological and exclusive ingredients: centaurea cyanus, a plant with a purple pigment preventing yellowing, sugar cane, cysteine, omega 3, 6, 9.

If I am allowed to give a strictly personal piece of advice, not a professional one, and I can, this might be: beauty always starts with a freshly washed hair, because beauty comes from inner and surface personal cleanliness. After that, I might say, we can all resort to “tricks” at our whim. But about this aspect I hope to talk more widely on a different occasion.

For daily use at home, I put on products designed for natural curly hair, products enriched with Amazonian palm tree for a nourished, hydrated, shiny hair, defined curls and ends, with a natural movement, namely: BOSSANOVA MAXI ONDAS palette by Cadiveu Professional Romania, shampoo, conditioner and curl instant activating spray.

Last but not least, kisses and I would like to thank you all for your support! You know who, all the people dear and close to my heart, the ones who enjoy the beauty and kindness coming from the heart!



You are wonderful just as you are and as your hair can become!


Turn Your Hair On!!!

There is no end.
There is no beginning.
There is only the infinite passion of life.

Federico Fellini
















