Flying in a SPINE red dress

Simonity | April 27, 2015 - 30 Comments

Simonity Flying in a  SPINE red dress Simona Nicorina Burcea Affection, charm, beauty! Simonity You’ve got wings! Simonity  My love for the dresses created by Dana Budeanu Simonity LOVE IS FLYING SPINE dress by Dana Budeanu Simona Nicorina Burcea Fighter aircraft Simona Nicorina Burcea Do you think that flying means balance Simonity “Water is wet, sky is blue, women are secrets.”

Photos by Sebastian Enache

Wearing: DANA BUDEANU SPINE dress, bracelet / ZARA sandals, clutch bag, earrings, bracelets

Flying in a SPINE red dress

Recent am observat ca cele mai putine randuri le scriu in postarile in care imbrac tinutele Danei. Singurele explicatii care-mi vin acum in doar cateva cuvinte ar fi: afectiunea, farmecul, beatitudinea.

Imbracata intr-o rochie Dana ma simt intreaga. Printr-o simpla asemanare cu denumirea noii colectii “LOVE IS FLYING”, ma las invaluita de mirajul iubirii la prima vedere, acea clipa in care practic esti mut, in care nu-ti mai trebuie nimic, te topesti cat ai bate din palme, iti parasesti propriul trup, neramanandu-ti decat zborul cu toate riscurile si splendorile lui: imagini desprinse din rai, senzatia de libertate absoluta, decolari spontane, looping-uri dar si aterizari neasteptate, turbulente, poate chiar lipsa de combustibil cand esti cu mult deasupra norilor, dar ce este cel mai important: Ai aripi!

Ma cunoasteti pe mine, cand vine vorba de rosu, lumea e a mea! Si mai mult de atat, cu certitudine imi stiti dragostea pentru rochiile inovatie Dana Budeanu( daca mai vad vreo copie ieftina ma transform in avion de vanatoare) concepute cu atata pasiune, daruire si iubire cum rar mi-a fost dat sa simt in orice alt domeniu creativ. Stiati ca in spatele fiecarei rochii se afla o poveste, o traire, o emotie? Mai bine zis, nesfarsite sentimente insufletite, profude!

Fiecare noua colectie ma impresioneaza prin originalitate dar in acelasi timp prin naturalete.

SPINE este rochia care mi-a amintit, dupa ce i-am citit descrierea, de o replica a lui Bruce Willis dintr-un film mai vechi: “Water is wet, sky is blue, women are secrets.” Este rochia care te face sa te simti senzational doar prin simplul motiv ca exista, care trezeste in tine fiori pasionali de femeie, e rochia cu “lipici”, cea pe care purtand-o exerciti o puternica atractie asumata asupra privitorilor iar in varianta cu franjuri nu are cum sa nu te duca cu gandul la aripile unei pasari in zbor.

Credeti ca zborul inseamna echilibru? Eu cred ca inseamna in primul rand sa fii deschis si disponibil sa te inalti, sa plutesti, sa-ti fii propriul aviator deasupra boltii ceresti a cotidianului.

Flying in a SPINE red dress

Recently I have noticed that I write the fewest lines in the posts in which I wear Dana’s outfits. The only explanations that I can now think of in just a few words are: affection, charm, beauty.

I feel whole when I am dressed in a Dana dress. Through a slight resemblance with the name of the new collection “LOVE IS FLYING” I let myself wrapped in the mirage of love at first sight, that moment when you are practically speechless, when you don’t need anything else, you instantly melt away, you leave your own body and you’re left only with the flight and all its risks and splendors: images drawn from heaven, the feeling of absolute freedom, spontaneous departures, loops but also unexpected landings, turbulences, maybe even lack of fuel when you are high above the clouds, but what is more important: You’ve got wings!

You know me, when it comes to red, the world is mine! And even more, you are certainly aware of my love for the dresses created by Dana Budeanu (if I’ll see one more cheap copy I will transform myself in a fighter aircraft) conceived with so much passion, commitment and love as rarely I have seen in any other creative field. Did you know that behind every dress there is a story, an adventure, an emotion? Better said, profound, deep animated feelings!

I am impressed by every new collection through its originality, but at the same time through its simplicity.

SPINE is the dress that after reading its description, reminded me of Bruce Willis’s line in an older movie: “Water is wet, sky is blue, women are secrets.” It is the dress that makes you feel sensational just for the simple reason that it exists, the dress that awakens within you shivers of a passionate woman, it is the “gluey” dress, the one that exerts a strong assumed attraction over the spectators and there is no way that its version with fringes will not make you think of the wings of a flying bird.

Do you think that flying means balance? I believe that first of all it means to be open and available to arise, to float, to be your own pilot above the daily sky.

There is no end.
There is no beginning.
There is only the infinite passion of life.

Federico Fellini
