Food for skin

Simonity | October 24, 2014 - 4 Comments

Simonity food for skin Simonity Huile D' Argan Simona Nicorina Burcea nashi ARGAN Simona Nicorina Burcea food for skin Simona Nicorina Burcea nashi ARGAN dry oil perfect body Simonity argan oilDSC_6449 copy

Photos by Catalin Eremia

Make-up and styling: Simona Nicorina Burcea

Food for skin

Inside and outside bio argan oil

Sa-mi incep descrierea cu aceleasi tipice povestioare despre beneficiile uleiului de argan? Cred ca intreaga planeta este suprasaturata dar asta nu poate influenta calitatile de necontestat ale acestui ulei pretios si rar asupra sanatatii, calitatii si frumusetii pielii.

Am sa incep cu propozitia care mi-a descris cel mai bine atentia pe care eu o acord pielii mele :

“Tu esti 99% crema si 1% piele!” si vedem pe parcurs unde ajungem, este totusi greu sa nu spui cateva cuvinte despre un ritual atat de vechi de infrumusetare.

Este al patrulea an in care folosesc pilulele BIO HUILE D’ARGAN – Arganolie, de la inceputul toamnei pe tot parcursul sezonului rece, cu rezultate excelente in ceea ce priveste hidratarea, fermitatea si elasticitatea pielii multumita aportului natural de Acizi Grasi Omega 6 si 9. Modul de utilizare este de 2 pastile seara, inainte de somn usor!

Capsulele nu se gasesc usor, in urma cu cateva zile le-am cautat in magazinele de specialitate fara rezultat; momentan nu se mai aduc la DM (Drogerie Markt) de unde eu mi le procuram anterior asa ca am fost nevoita sa le comand online direct de la sursa: LABORATOIRES YVES PONROY- le respect du metabolism.

This was for the inside!

For the outside, the story is named: nashi ARGAN, you know it from last summer, just that then it was for the hair, now it’s for the SKIN!

DRY OIL PERFECT BODY and DRY HAND BALM, are the beauty treatments for all kinds of skin!

Uleiul pentru corp are efect uscat, poate cel mai important aspect din punct de vedere practic, acela ca ma pot imbraca foarte repede dupa utilizarea lui. Reduce imbatranirea pielii datorita continutului bogat in Acizi Grasi Nesaturati si Acid Linoleic. Vitamina E hidrateaza in profunzime, previne uscaciunea pielii si lupta impotriva vergeturilor.

Crema de maini este imbogatita cu ulei de migdale dulci, are o absorbtie imediata a tuturor ingredientelor datorita Alantoinei, lupta impotriva semnelor de imbatranire, hraneste mainile facandu-le catifelate si moi la atingere, protejeaza impotriva rosetii, iritarii, craparii si restaureaza filmul hidrolipidic al pielii.

Cam acesta este rasfatul meu la ceas de seara de toamna.

Ar prinde bine un ceai aromat in varful patului…

Food for skin

Inside and outside bio argan oil

Should I start my description by the same little stories about the argan oil benefits? I think the whole planet is oversaturated with them, but this cannot influence the undisputed qualities of this precious and rare oil on skin’s health, quality and beauty.

I shall start by the sentence that best described the attention I pay to my skin:

“You are 99% cream and 1% skin!” and see where that leads; however, it is hard not to say a few words about such an old beauty ritual.

It’s the fourth year I’ve used the “BIO HUILE D’ARGAN – Arganolie” capsules, since the beginning of the fall and during the entire cold season, and I’ve had excellent results in terms of skin hydration, firmness and elasticity thanks to the natural intake of Omega-6 and Omega -9 Fatty Acids. Their directions for use are 2 pills in the evening, before you can sleep tight!

The capsules are not easy to find; I’ve looked for them a few days ago in the specialized shops to no avail. They are no longer found in DM (Drogerie Markt) from where I used to acquire them before, so I had to order them online, straight from the source: LABORATOIRES YVES PONROY- le respect du metabolism.

This was for the inside!

For the outside, the story is named: nashi ARGAN, you know it from last summer, just that then it was for the hair, now it’s for the SKIN!!

DRY OIL PERFECT BODY and DRY HAND BALM are the beauty treatments for all kinds of skin!

The body oil has a dry effect, and this is maybe the most important thing from a practical point of view, because I can get dressed really fast after using it. It reduces skin aging due to its rich content of Unsaturated Fatty Acids and Linoleic Acid. Vitamin E hydrates in depth, it prevents dry skin and helps fight against stretch marks.

The hand cream is enriched with sweet almond oil; all its ingredients are immediately absorbed thanks to the Allantoin. It helps fight against aging signs, nourishes the hands making them silky and soft to touch, protects against facial redness, rash, cracking and it restores the hydrolipidic film.

This is pretty much my treat on fall evening hours.

An aromatic tea on the top of the bed would be great…

There is no end.
There is no beginning.
There is only the infinite passion of life.

Federico Fellini

