Concurs Fundita Simonity

Simonity | November 30, 2014 - 16 Comments

Fundite Concurs Simonity Fundite Simonity

Photos by Catalin Eremia

Concurs Fundita Simonity

Asa cum va povesteam in Creative bow tie mi-am dorit mult o fundita ivoire.

Ulterior, pentru ca fiecare avem stilul nostru, m-am gandit sa creez o palteta de 8 fundite si pentru alte iubitoare de detalii si accesorii: Pasiune, Eleganta, Moulin Rouge, Puritate, Infinit, Speranta, Regal, La Vie en Rose.

Colectia de fundite Simonity o puteti vedea la sectiunea SHOP.

Funditele Simonity se pot purta atat ca fundite si esarfe, accesorizate cu brose, cat si ca bentite pe cap sau centuri in talie.


Incepand de astazi pana in data de 5 decembrie 2014, ora 18:00, va invit la concursul ”Fundita Simonity” care are ca premiu 3 fundite la alegere!

Participarea la concurs implica sa lasati un comentariu la acest articol despre fundite si de ce v-ati dori una.

Cele mai inspirate 3 comentarii vor primi in ghetute de la Mos Nicolae fundita dorita!


Simonity Bow Tie Contest

As I was saying earlier in Creative bow tie I longed for an ivory bow tie.

Later, because we each have our own style, I thought to create a variety of 8 bow ties for other lovers of details and accessories: Passion, Elegance, Moulin Rouge, Purity, Infinity, Hope, Royalty, La Vie en Rose.

You can see the Simonity bow tie collection in the SHOP section.

The Simonity bow ties can be used as bow ties and scarfs, accessorized with brooches as well as headbands and waist belts.


Starting today until the 5th of December 2014 at 6pm, I invite you to the “Simonity Bow Tie” contest which stands in 3 bow ties of your choice!

All you have to do is leave a comment on this article about bow ties and the reason why you wish to have one.

The 3 most inspired comments will receive from St Nicholas, in their boots, the desired bow tie!

Inspire me!


Eu v-am rugat sa ma inspirati iar voi m-ati impresionat profund!

Va multumesc pentru emotiile traite citind fiecare comentariu de-al vostru!

Castigatoarele concursului sunt:

Alexandra Frincu


Olar Dina


There is no end.
There is no beginning.
There is only the infinite passion of life.

Federico Fellini
