Creative bow tie

Simonity | November 12, 2014 - 14 Comments

Simonity ornage fashion bag Simonity autumn look Simona Nicorina Burcea black and white look Simonity creative bow tie Simona Nicorina Burcea Romanian Athenaeum Simonity in the fall morning Simona Nicorina Burcea style

Photos by Fotograful Tau

Wearing: SIMONITY bow tie / STRADIVARIUS dress / ZARA cape / MUSETTE shoes / FOLLIE FOLLIE bag / MELI MELO earrings, brooch

Creative bow tie

Let’s talk fashion! Zic…

Actiune! Motor!

Unul din motivele pentru care nu am rezistat tentatiei de a-mi face blogul Simonity a fost pentru simplul motiv ca in majoritatea timpului creierasul meu creeaza tinute. La ∞. Dintotdeauna. Si inspiratiile vin din orice, oricand, oricat si alte adverbe.

Imaginatia m-a lovit cu o fundita ivoire pe care nici nu m-am straduit sa o caut stiind ca asa cum o vad eu nu o gasesc niciunde. Atunci am apelat la manutele iscusite ale Madam Flavia pentru a o crea.. I-am adaugat insistent tot o fundita brosa in contrast. Va place rezultatul?

Pornind de la un accesoriu, look-ul mi se intregeste aparent singur, conexiunile creandu-se rapid, asemanator trairilor urmaririi unui film: dupa generic( fundita), ma afund in actiune uitand complet de mine, trecand prin momentul cheie( rochie), punctul culminant( capa), nici nu realizez cand dau culoare filmului alb negru( geanta portocalie).

Aleg sa port o rochie neagra, 60s, scurta, fara maneci, in forma de A care observ ca revine in forta in sezonul toamna iarna 2014 / 2015, ma incalzesc cu o capa din lana cu imprimeu floral care in mintea mea creeaza acel dram de feminitate irezistibil. Consider capa o alternativa perfecta la obisnuitul palton, mi se pare lejera, versatila, o declar piesa de rezistenta in alegerea celor mai creative look-uri de sezon. O ador! Adaug o geanta practica, dar sic, intr-o culoare vibranta: portocaliu, una dintre culorile vedeta ale sezonului rece pentru a sublinia combinatia alb negru care, desi este clasica, are nevoie de un accesoriu pe masura pentru a ma scoate din monotonia zilelor de toamna.

Il gasesc a fi un look curat, elegant cu multe piese in tendinte.

Decor…Nu puteam sa pasesc in aburii diminetii de toamna, inundati de soare, altfel decat in acorduri de pian…repetitii la Ateneul Roman. Minunat!

Happy end!

Creative bow tie

I say…..Let’s talk fashion!

And…. Action!

One of the reasons why I couldn’t resist the temptation to create my blog, Simonity, was the simple fact that most of the time, my brain designs outfits. Ad infinitum (∞).Since forever. The inspiration comes from anything, anytime, anywhere and other adverbs.

My imagination was struck by an ivory bow tie that I didn’t even try to look for, because I knew that the way I saw it, I wouldn’t find it anywhere. I resorted, then, to the handy little hands of Madam Flavia to create it. I persistently added a brooch-like bow tie in contrast. Do you like the result?

Starting from an accessory, my look becomes complete, apparently, on its own; connections are made fast, similar to the feelings when watching a movie: after the main titles (bow tie), I plunge into action, completely forgetting about myself, going through the key moment (dress), the apex (cape), not even realizing when I’m coloring the black and white movie (orange bag).

I choose to wear a 60s short, black sleeveless dress, A-shaped that I see is coming back in force in the Fall/Winter season 2014 / 2015, I warm-up by wearing a floral print wool cape which, in my mind, gives that irresistible drop of femininity. I see the cape as a perfect alternative to the usual top coat; I think it is easy, versatile, I am declaring it the piece de resistance in choosing the most creative season looks. I love it! I add a practical, but chic bag in a vibrant color: orange, one of the star colors of the cold season to underline the black and white combination which, although a classic, it needs an accessory to fit it in order to get me out of the fall days’ monotony.

I find it to be a clean, elegant look with many pieces in trend.

Background…I couldn’t step into the fall morning’s steam, flooded by the sun, other than in piano tunes…. rehearsals at the Romanian Athenaeum. Wonderful!

Happy end!

There is no end.
There is no beginning.
There is only the infinite passion of life.

Federico Fellini

