Photos by Catalin Eremia
Wearing: MOTIVI silk jacket / MOTIVI belt / ZARA shorts / MUSETTE high heels / NO NAME bandeau / bracelets
Tonic fluo
Prima mea experienta fluo: se ia, mai bine zis, se fura una pereche de tenesi albi nou nouti ai fratelui, se scot sireturile si se vopsesc un siret verde fluo, un siret roz fluo cu ajutorul apei si a vopselelor concentrate procurate de mama de la laboratorul de prajituri, folosite pentru ornarea torturilor! Rezultatul? Exceptional!
Restul se numeste prezent continuu! Cu aceiasi hotarare am urcat la bordul navei grecesti imbracata in nuantele “de scandal” despre care tocmai citesc in numarul revistei ELLE august ca vor continua si in zilele de toamna!
Indrazniti? De ce nu?
Tonic fluo
My first fluo experience: take, rather, steal one pair of your brother’s brand new white sneakers, remove the laces and paint a fluorescent green lace, a fluo pink lace with water and concentrated paint obtained by mother from the cake lab, used for decorating cakes! The result? Exceptional!
The rest is called the continuous present! With the same determination I went aboard the Greek vessel dressed in “scandal” shades about which I have just read in the August issue of ELLE magazine that will continue in the days of fall!
Do you dare? Why not?
There is no end.
There is no beginning.
There is only the infinite passion of life.Federico Fellini
Imi amintesti de mare si de soare ….. si cit de dor imi este de MARE SI SOARE !
@Camelia Cadiana: …si cat de mult le iubesc!