Photos by Sebastian Enache
Wearing: MUSETTE the warmest boots / ZARA cape, leather dress, shirt, bag, belt / PARFOIS earrings
The warmest boots
Mai in gluma mai in serios, asa le-am spus acestor incaltari, dragoste la prima vedere pentru mine: cele mai calduroase cizme!
Sa va zic de ce: am fost nevoita sa ma despart de ele in magazin pentru a fi trimise la atelier in vederea unor mici modificari( erau largi pe pulpa piciorului). Cand mi s-a spus ca-mi vor sosi acasa in cateva zile prin curierat, am zis: “Sigur da? Va rog sa nu dureze mai mult pentru ca a venit frigul! Mie ce-mi tine de cald?”. Au ajuns dupa numai o zi. Multumesc Nicoleta!
Cizmele cu blanita naturala, chiar daca sunt decupate, sunt calduroase( va aud chicotind) si sunt de o frumusete salbatica! Excentrice, as putea spune! Sunt incadrate perfect in fashion statement-ul din acest sezon: blana naturala sau artificiala interpretata si reinterpretata in multe din colectiile marilor design-eri: bandeau, haine sau doar aplicatii discrete pe haine, gulere, genti , cape, caciuli, etole, veste, incaltaminte, bijuterii, curele, etc.
In alta ordine de idei, “ce nu face baba pentru frumusete?” la mine se traduce altfel, are o alta conotatie. Eu sunt genul de femeie care are nevoie de foarte putin pentru a-i fi cald, desi sunt foarte friguroasa. Sunt sigura ca unele dintre fete stiu despre ce vorbesc! Chiar asa? Stiti? Acea senzatie cand nu sunteti sigure daca va e cald sau frig desi ar trebui sa tremurati dupa temperatura de afara dar nu se intampla?
V-ati intrebat de ce? Pentru ca atunci cand femeia din voi a ales sa imbracati “ foita de ceapa” la 0 grade sau mult sub 0 grade ceea ce purtati va incalzeste sufletul! Daca sufletul e in soare, nimic din afara nu-l poate raci! Mai mult de atat puteti topi cu fierbinteala voastra totul in jur! Inclusiv inimile acelora care nu au alta intrebare sa va adreseze decat: “dar tie nu iti este frig?” Pasiti mai departe!
Departe de mine gandul de a va trimite in urmatoarele zile la farmacie! Dar imi place sa imi imaginez ca si noi romancele suntem neinfricate si putem sa ne imbracam cu mai putine “cojoace”.
Fiti indiferente de anotimp! O spun the warmest boots! Nu eu!
Multa caldura in suflet va doresc in special acum cand banuiesc ca ati inceput sa va visati in tinutele de sarbatori.
The warmest boots
More or less jokingly this is how I called these foot wears, love at first sight for me: the warmest boots!
And I will tell you why: I had to leave them in the shop in order to be delivered to the workshop for some small modifications (they were large on the calf). When I was told that they would be delivered at home in a few days by courier, I said: “For sure? Please do not last for more because it is already cold ! What does it keep warm to me?” They arrived after only one day. Thanks, Nicoleta!
Natural fur boots, even if cut, are warm (I can hear you snickering) and they are wildly beautiful! Eccentric, I could say! They are perfectly fitted in the fashion statement of this season: natural or artificial fur interpreted and re-interpreted in most of the designers’ collections: bandeau, jackets or only discrete applications on jackets, necks, bags, capes, caps, stoles, vests, shoes, jewels, belts etc.
In a different approach, “What won’t an old woman do for beauty?”, for me it is translated differently, it has another connotation. I’m the kind of woman who needs quite a little to be warm even if I am very chilly. I’m sure that some of the girls know what I am talking about! Really? Do you know? That sensation when you are not sure whether you are hot or cold even if you should shiver according to the temperature outside but it does not happen?
Have you ever wondered why? Because when the woman of you chose to wear “the onion skin” at – degrees or more under 0 degrees, what you wear warms your soul! If your soul is at sun, nothing may make it get cold! Moreover, you can melt everything around you with your hotness! Including the hearts of the others who may just ask you “but you are not cold?” Step on!
Far be it from me to make you go at the pharmacy the next days! But I like to imagine that also we, the Romanian ladies are unafraid and we can get dressed by less “sheepskin coats”.
Be insensitive to any season! The warmest boots tell you! Not me!
I wish you much warmth in your heart particularly now when I suppose that you started to imagine yourself in your clothes for celebrations.
There is no end.
There is no beginning.
There is only the infinite passion of life.Federico Fellini
Neconventionala tinuta, mereu ne surprinzi placut Simona!
@ Georgiana: Cizmele sau se mai pot numi si sandale gladiator cu blana dau aceasta nota de neconventional! Multumesc!
Intre toamna si iarna … o aparitie spectaculoasa ! Esti surprinzatoate si f f frumoasa !
@ Camelia Cadiana: Multumesc din tot sufletul! Aprecierile tale conteaza foarte mult pentru mine!
Minunate aceste cizme. Modelul lor au un design neconventional si se adreseaza in mod deosebit persoanelor indraznete. Sper sa avem si noi in tara mai multe persoane indraznete!
Intre trecut si viitor doar un element de detaliu: sandalele de gladiator cu blana…
De la “Craii de curte veche” intr-un prezent superb!
Salbaticia si eleganta intr-un decor cameleonic in care natura si natura umana se contopesc intr-un singur element: UNIVERSUL
@ florina: Ma bucur mult ca-ti plac! Vii in echipa? 😉
@ mihaela tolbaru: Esti o poezie…Multumesc!
Daca ma uit de la centura in sus as vedea un stil putin retro si apoi obiectivul se muta si vad un stil unic si imi place!
@sora loredana: 🙂 Multumesc iubita mea!