Boho Chic – High Adventure

Simonity | June 5, 2015 - 22 Comments

Simonity Boho-Chic High Adventure Simonity I love climbing Simonity White Summer Dress BSB Collection Simonity The mantra of any estival season Simonity  70’s style Simonity nonconformist and timeless boho style Simonity Bohemian  lifestyle Simonity I wish you a playful and happy weekend free of inhibitions.

Photos by Sebastian Enache

Wearing : The whole outfit – BSB Collection

Boho Chic – High Adventure

Nu fara o usoara unda de nostalgie, dar cu multa energie, fac cumva si tot pe pietre nimeresc. V-am mai spus, printre multe altele iubesc sa ma cocotez, ca sa nu va marturisesc ca ma simt minunat sa fiu la inaltime ;-). Insa inainte sa ajung sa evadez in natura trebuie sa ma sincronizez de aceasta data cu: trecerea printr-o furtuna urmata de o ploaie torentiala, induplecarea cerului ca in apropiere de varful muntelui sa gasim o pata de lumina si depasirea cuvantului “vipere”.

Nu-mi pot imagina vara fara macar o rochie alba lunga, este esenta si mantra oricarui sezon estival, o piesa pretioasa, esentiala, care se va tot reinventa dar care va trai la ∞ in viziunea mea.

Boho chic inseamna libertatea asocierii mai multor elemente realizate in stiluri diferite. Rochia maxi BSB Collection reuseste sa obtina acest efect intr-o singura piesa absolut adorabila. Croiala sofisticata in stilul anilor 70, imbinata cu influenta romantica data de delicatetea dantelei albe si proiectia in zona contemporana prin transparenta materialului asigura acel modern boho style nonconformist si atemporal. Am completat tinuta cu ajutorul accesoriilor artizanale: colierul masiv cu ciucuri si bratara metalica cu impletituri.

Si pentru ca bohemian nu este numai o moda ci si un stil de viata va doresc un final de saptamana jucaus, vesel si lipsit de inhibitii.

Boho Chic – High Adventure

Not without a touch of nostalgia, but with a lot of energy I somehow manage to arrive again on rocks. I have told you before, amongst many other I love climbing, and I confess that I feel wonderful to be at height ;-). But, before I get to escape in nature, this time I have to synchronize with: going through a storm followed by heavy rain, the persuasion of the sky that close to the mountaintop we will find a patch of light and overcoming the word “vipers”.

I can’t imagine summer without at least one long white dress; it is the essence and the mantra of any estival season, essential, that will keep reinventing itself but that will endlessly live in my vision.

Boho chic means the freedom of associating more elements realized in different styles. The BSB Collection maxi dress manages to reach this effect in a single item that is absolutely adorable. The sophisticated cut belonging to the 70’s style, combined with the romantic influence given by the delicacy of the white lace and the projection in the contemporary zone through the transparency of the fabric assures that modern, nonconformist and timeless boho style. I completed the outfit with the hand-crafted accessories: the massive necklace with tassels and the braided metal bracelet.

And because bohemian in not only a trend but also a lifestyle I wish you a playful and happy weekend free of inhibitions.

There is no end.
There is no beginning.
There is only the infinite passion of life.

Federico Fellini
