Yellow reborn in the forest

Simonity | April 20, 2015 - 18 Comments

Simonity I chose to be reborn in bright yellow Simona Nicorina Burcea But guess what I can’t hide in yellow! Simonity The noise of nature Simona Nicorina Burcea The yellow natural silk dress Simoniity Nostalgic effortless style Simona Nicorina Burcea NISSA dress Simonity The good news I keep on believing in perfection!

Photo by Sebastian Enache

Wearing: NISSA silk dress, clutch bag / ZARA high heel platform sandals / SWAROVSKY earrings

Yellow reborn in the forest

Cateodata ne ascundem de noi, uneori ne ascundem de ceilalti. Vrem sa ne indepartam pentru a ne cunoaste pe noi insine, in primul rand. Si in ce alt anotimp mai potrivit sa te reinventezi si sa renasti decat primavara?

In zgomotul din mijlocul naturii imi regasesesc linistea sufletului, redescopar splendoarea vietii, inima padurii fiind locul unde imi pot imagina ca nu exista frontiere si ca pot calatori la ∞.

Si pentru ca imi plac contradictiile, am ales sa renasc in galben radiant, culoarea vedeta in cromatica acestei primaverii. But guess what? Nu ma pot ascunde in galben! Energetic, luminos, a vitamin boost daca vreti, galbenul este o culoare magnetica dar care pe mine m-a facut sa ma simt fresh si intr-o armonie absoluta cu natura.

Pe cat de cosmopolita m-ati putea crede, pe atat de salbatica pot fi si sunt de fapt, astfel ca intoarcerea la origini si la natura ma ademeneste in fiecare zi. Intre New York si un loc lipsit de civilizatie , l-as alege fara dubii pe cel din urma desi I’m a fashionable woman pana la ultima celula. Ador natura, iubesc culoarea!

Noua colectie NISSA SS 2015, Urban Lagoon, urmareste intocmai intrepatrunderea naturii cu moda, doua segmente mereu complementare, inseparabile, cu radacini vechi, puternice, intre care a existat dintotdeuna o iubire intensa.

Cu o nota romatica dar in acelasi timp chic si clasica, rochia galbena din matase naturala, pretioasa si transparenta, cu detalii elaborate care contureaza delicat decolteul cu broderie florala din bumbac, aplicata manual, mi-a captat privirea brusc inca din momentul trecerii prin fata vitrinei.

Linia feminina ,materialul vaporos, abia sesizabil pe corp si croiala eleganta imi permit expresia totala a corpului si in acelasi timp imi rezerva acel nostalgic, effortless style.

The bad news : cateva intepaturi de furnici, 4 mai exact ( Stiati…greutatea tuturor furnicilor de pe Pamant este mai mare decat greutatea tuturor oamenilor?) si 2 zgarieturi.

The good news: Continuu sa cred in perfectiune!

Yellow reborn in the forest

Sometimes we hide from ourselves, sometimes we hide from others. We want to alienate in order to get to know ourselves firstly. And what other season is more appropriate to reinvent yourself and be reborn other than spring?

I find the peace of my soul within the noise of nature; there I rediscover the splendor of life, the heart of the forest being the place where I can imagine that there are no frontiers and that I can travel to infinity.

And because I like contradictions, I chose to be reborn in bright yellow, the star color of this spring’s chromatics. But guess what? I can’t hide in yellow! Full of energy, glowing, a vitamin boost if you like, yellow is a magnetic color that made me feel fresh and in absolute harmony with the nature.

As cosmopolite as you may think of me as wild I can be and I am actually, so that the return to origins and to the nature lure me every day. Between New York and an uncivilized place, I would undoubtedly choose the latter although I am a fashionable woman to the last cell. I adore nature, I love color!

The new NISSA SS 2015 collection, Urban Lagoon, seeks exactly the intertwining of nature and fashion, two segments always complementary, inseparable, with ancient strong roots that have always been bound by an intense love.

With a romantic but at the same time chic and classic, the yellow natural silk dress, precious and see-through, the elaborate details that delicately outlines the cleavage with the floral cotton embroidery, manually applied, suddenly caught my eye from the moment I passed in front of the display window.

The feminine line, the breezy fabric, hardly noticeable on the body and the elegant cut offer me total body expression and at the same time keep that nostalgic effortless style.

The bad news: a few ant stings, 4 exactly (did you know… the weight of all ants on Earth is greater than the weight of all people?) and 2 scratches.

The good news: I keep on believing in perfection!

There is no end.
There is no beginning.
There is only the infinite passion of life.

Federico Fellini
