Clip-on earrings on shoes

Simonity | January 19, 2015 - 6 Comments

Simona Nicorina Burcea fucsia Simonity Let it be sunshine! Simonity fucsia Simona Nicorina Burcea Let it be fucsia! Simonity earrings clips Simonity earrings clips on shoes Simonity earring clips brooch Simonity Let it be tie bows! Simonity having fun with shoes Simonity fishnet stockings

 Photos by Sebastian Enache

Wearing: FRENCH CONNECTION coat / ZARA playsuit, shirt, shoes / H&M bag / BIJOU BRIGITTE earrings / CALZEDONIA fishnet tights

Clip-on earrings on shoes

In timpul petrecut de la impodobitul bradului si al intregii case cu decoratiuni specifice Craciunului si pana la decorarea oualor pentru Sarbatoarea Pastelui m-am gandit sa ma distrez ornamentandu-mi pantofii. Glumesc.

Ideea a luat nastere, de fapt, altfel…Hoinarind prin orasul Varna, spre sfarsitul verii trecute, intr-unul din magazinele mele preferate de accesorii, am zarit acesti cercei clips pe care din prima clipa mi i-am imaginat perfect garnisiti la pantofi. Nu m-am putut abtine si i-am achizitionat incantata chiar in mai multe nuante. Cerceii clips dau stralucire pantofilor stiletto, creand impreuna acea armonie de o eleganta distinsa dar si alaturi de balerini efectul final este unul jucaus si in acelasi timp rafinat, deloc de trecut cu vederea. Acestea fiind povestite, m-am gandit ca ar trebui sa impartasesc cu voi acest aspect si sa va urez spor si inspiratie in cautarea cerceilor clips potriviti pentru pantofii din garderoba voastra.

By the way…presimt ca anul 2015 va fi anul cerceilor, de toate felurile! De la cerceii candelabru pana la ear cuffs va propun si cel mai recent trend: cerceii asimetrici, diferiti pentru fiecare ureche.

Cerceilor clips le-am gasit ulterior si o alta utilizare, aceea de brosa. Mi-ar placea in viitor chiar sa-i dau cercelului clips un mic rol de accesoriu pentru par si de a pune in valoare cu ajutorul lui o coafura originala si sofisticata. Voi? Aveti si alte idei?

Despre restul tinutei va pot marturisi faptul ca de-a lungul timpului am privit ciorapii negri din plasa din mai multe perspective. Pe scurt, cand mi-au placut, cand i-am detestat. Acum, evident, purtandu-i, sunt in acea perioada in care pun pret pe ei si ma incanta efectul creat de modelul celor cu ochiuri mari. Ii consider totusi controversati pentru ca pot da o nota de vulgaritate look-ului daca nu sunt asociati corespunzator unei tinute relativ cuminti si purtati cu o atitudine pe masura.

Mai mult de atat?

Sa fie fucsia! Sa fie fundite! Sa fie soare!

Clip-on earrings on shoes

While decorating the Christmas tree and the entire house with Christmas decorations and before starting to decorate Easter Eggs I’ve been thinking about decorating my shoes. I’m joking.

Actually I came up with the idea in a different way… While walking through Varna, towards the end of last summer, in one of my favorite accessories shop, I came across these clip earrings which I imagined as the perfect accessory for my shoes from the first moment I saw them. I could not help it and I bought them with delight – several pairs in different colors. Clip earrings make stiletto shoes look shiny, together creating that harmony of a fashionable elegance and also have a playful and at the same time refined effect – not to be overlooked – on ballet flats. These being said, I thought I should share with you this aspect and wish you to have inspiration and success in finding the right clip earrings for the shoes in your closet.

By the way… I feel that 2015 will be the year of earrings, of all kinds! From chandelier earrings to ear cuffs I propose to you the latest trend: asymmetrical earrings, different for each ear.

Later I found another use for clip earrings, as a brooch. In the future I would also like to give it a try as a hair accessory that highlights an original and sophisticated hair style.

As far as the rest of the outfit is concerned, I confess that I regarded fishnet tights from different perspectives at different times. Shortly, sometimes I loved them, sometimes I hated them. Now, obviously – since I am wearing them – I am having one of those times when I cherish them and I am delighted by the effect given by those with big mails. However, I think they are controversial since they can send a vulgar intention if not associated appropriately to a sensible outfit and worn with a corresponding attitude.

More than that?

Let it be fuchsia! Let it be bow ties! Let it be sun!

There is no end.
There is no beginning.
There is only the infinite passion of life.

Federico Fellini
