Summer perfect forget time

Simonity | August 21, 2014 - 8 Comments

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Photos by Catalin Eremia

Wearing: VERSACE for H&M dress / VERSACE for H&M belt / ZARA sandals / MUSETTE cluch bag / BIJUTERIA TEILOR earrings, ring

Summer perfect forget time

Vara obisnuiesc sa ma las dusa de pasi pe stradute, printre cladirile vechi din Varna, orasul in care evadez oricand pentru a savura delicioasele midii a la Burgas. NU inainte sa ma opresc din toneta in toneta pentru a manca inghetata pana ma dor tamplele si pentru a ma minuna cat de diferite sunt pisicile lor de ale noastre( lucru pe care il remarc in toate colturile lumii).

Nu stiu cum fac dar aici cumva reusesc sa micsorez turatia, sa traiasc slow motion. Cumparaturile la Varna sunt funny, de fiecare data descopar intortocheate magazine cu lucrusoare, pe care numai acolo le puteam gasi. De data aceasta mi-a iesit in cale un make up store de unde mi-am cumparat produse pe care eu voiam sa mi le comand online, la noi in tara nefiind.

Seara? Cu cat se face mai tarziu cu cat as mai sta. La fel cum un copil pe care mama il striga repetitiv sa intre in casa si el tot mai zaboveste un pic la joaca…joaca de-a nimicul care este totul!

Summer perfect forget time

In the summer I tend to let myself led on little streets, among the old buildings in Varna, the city where I always escape to enjoy the delicious mussels in Burgas. NOT before I stop at stalls to eat ice cream until my head hurts and marvel of how different their cats are compared to ours (which I notice all over the world).

I do not know how but here somehow I manage to decrease the speed, live in slow motion. Shopping in Varna is funny, every time I find stores crooked with little things that I could only find there. This time I found a make up store from where I bought products that I wanted to order online, which do not exist in our country.

In the evening? The later it gets the more I wish to stay. Just like a child called repetitively by his mother to enter the house and he still lingers a bit to play … playing nameless games which are the whole world to him!

There is no end.
There is no beginning.
There is only the infinite passion of life.

Federico Fellini
