Oriental glam grey

Simonity | February 3, 2015 - 6 Comments

Simona Nicorina Burcea Oriental Glam Grey Simonity The hottest chic trend lace-up sandals! Simonity But how to make grey come out of the grey zone Simonity Oriental accessories Simonity The grey, long, asymmetrical, gored coat Simonity It is fun to mix up a little! Simona Niorina Burcea The hottest chic trend lace-up sandals! Simona Nicorina Burcea It is fun to mix up a little! Simonity Oriental Glam Grey

Photos by Sebastian Enache

Wearing: RIVa long coat / H&M dress / ZARA sandals / CATALEA necklace, bracelet, belt

Oriental glam grey

Desi sunt cu gandul si privirea indreptate catre tinutele magice de primavara/vara, desi se poarta foarte mult albul cu mici accente de negru sau negru cu usoare tuse de alb, am ales sa imbrac – ceea ce in viata se numeste calea de mijloc – gri. Dar cum scoti griul din zona gri? That’s the question! Mizand pe efectul spectaculos creat de accesoriile orientale, dand look-ului un strop de aer glam si asteptand trei zile sa treaca ploaia.

Odata ce ai mers intr-o tara araba esti vrajit pentru totdeauna de basmul oriental sau devii carcotas si nu mai mergi. Eu fac parte din prima categorie, nu pentru ca nu as avea ce sa comentez, ci pentru ca-mi implinesc sufletul pastrand ceea ce e de iubit si cautand frumosul in cele mai mici detalii.

Haina gri, lunga, cu croiala asimetrica in clini asemanatoare poncho-ului este achizitionata din cel mai luxos, opulent si magnetic univers pe care mi-a fost dat ochilor sa-l vad in viata pana acum, Dubai, orasul recordurilor. Desi femeilor din Dubai li se vad doar ochii seducatori, infrumusetati prin machiajul strident cu kajal si mainile care sunt decorate cu tatuaje henna, inca le consider cele mai frumoase creaturi de pe pamant, o adevarata lectie despre mister, forta miraculoasa a ochilor, rafinament si frumusete interioara. Chiar daca haina gri, voluminoasa, cozy, din lana calduroasa este cumparata cu mai mult de 5 ani in urma mi se pare mai de actualitate acum decat atunci, o comoara. Aceasta este dovada de necontestat a faptului ca moda se adapteaza perfect ritmului in care traim si face rapid, daca pot spune asa, pe o axa a ∞ un du-te vino continuu. Ma incanta grozav sa fac asocieri intre piese de actualitate proaspat achizitionate si piese existente deja in garderoba mea pe care le pretuiesc nespus. Rochia cambrata pe corp din jerse urmareste linia corpului conturand silueta intr-un mod feminin si ispititor iar crapatura pe spate cu fermoar o face atat de sexy pe cat este de usor sa pasesc.

The hottest chic trend: lace-up sandals! Am purtat mai mult ca niciodata sandale in aceasta iarna si cu toate acestea n-am racit nici macar o data. Dupa cateva ierni in care m-am incapatanat sa port numai pantofi daca nu trecea zapada mai sus de glezne, iarna aceasta se poate presupune ca-mi alearga piciorusele mai mult ca niciodata dupa nisipul incins de soare, la mare. I’m in love with lace-up sandals! With high heels of course! Cele din imagini au fost indragite pe loc atat de mine cat si de IaniS.

Astazi va propun sa va jucati facand un astfel de mixaj stylish mai ales in mometul trecerii dintre sezoane, cand traiti acel sentiment ca nu aveti cu ce va imbraca pana nu va achizitionati minim un obiect vestimentar din mult asteptatele noi colectii.

It is fun to mix up a little!

Oriental glam grey

Though my mind and eyes are focused on the magical spring/summer outfits, though white with subtle black accents or black with a touch of white are trendy mixes, I have chosen to wear what we normally call the middle way, which is grey. But how to make grey come out of the grey zone? That’s the question! By counting on the spectacular effect created by oriental accessories, by adding a pinch of glamour to my look and by waiting for three days for the rain to stop.

Once you’ve visited an Arab country, either the oriental fairy tale enchants you forever or you become a grouser and never visit an Arab county again. I am part of the first category and not because I have nothing to criticize, but because it fills my soul cherishing all lovable aspects and seeking beauty in the smallest details.

The grey, long, asymmetrical, gored coat similar to a poncho was bought from the most luxurious, opulent and magnetic universe I have ever seen, from Dubai, the record-breaking city. Though the women of Dubai only show their seductive eyes wearing salient kajal makeup and their hands decorated with henna tattoos, I still believe that they are the most beautiful creatures on earth, a real lesson on mystery, on the miraculous power of the eyes, on refinement and inner beauty. Though I bought this grey, voluminous, cosy woollen coat more than 5 years ago, I feel it to be trendier now than when I actually bought it, a real treasure. This is the undisputed proof that fashion perfectly adapts to the rhythm of our lives and it continuously oscillates in a fast movement on an ∞ axis. I am completely thrilled when I mix trendy and recently bought items with items I already have in my wardrobe and which I cherish greatly. The jersey sheath dress that fits close to the shapes of the body, highlighting the silhouette in the most feminine and tempting way and its zippered slit in the back make it sexy and easy for me to walk.

The hottest chic trend: lace-up sandals! I’ve worn sandals very often this winter, yet I didn’t catch a cold. After a few winters I spent wearing only shoes, unless the layer of snow reached my ankles, this winter one might guess that my feet are longing more than ever for the sunburnt sand from the seaside. I’m in love with lace-up sandals! With high-heels of course! The ones in the pictures were love at first sight for me, as well as for IaniS.

Today I suggest a game involving such a stylish mix, especially during the transition between seasons when you have that feeling that you have nothing to wear until you buy at least one item of the long-expected new collections.

It is fun to mix up a little!

There is no end.
There is no beginning.
There is only the infinite passion of life.

Federico Fellini
