Straie de Sarbatoare

Simonity | December 15, 2014 - 11 Comments

Simona Nicorina Burcea The outfit itself is a celebration! Simona Nicorina Burcea Look into your grandmother’s chest! Simona Nicorina Burcea traditional festive clothes Simonity The outfit itself is a celebration! Simona Nicorina Burcea Traditional wear Simonity Hello Santa Give them a break! Simonity Straie de Sarbatoare Simonity The tradition exists within you! Simona Nicorina Burcea Festive wearSimonity festive look

Photos by Sebastian Enache

Wearing: SIMONITY skirt, top / VERSACE FOR H&M fur waistcoat / CATHIAS EDELINE sandals / MELI MELO necklace / VINTAGE muff

Straie de Sarbatoare

Am ales sa ma imbrac in straie traditionale de sarbatoare, modificate de mine si adaptate la tendintele actuale, special pentru a protesta fata de invazia marketing-ului violent( agresiv e ultrafolosit si soft) din ultimii ani din toate domeniile in aceasta perioada premergatoare sarbatoririi Craciunului.

Subconstientul ne este invadat inca de la sfarsitul lunii septembrie prin intermediul diferitelor brosuri sau email-uri cand oamenii nici nu au revenit bine din concediul de vara, luminitele pe strazi, in Mall-uri se aprind mai nou din noiembrie, marfa specifica Craciunului din magazinele de orice natura, am senzatia ca este expirata, depasita, overexposed, deja din octombrie, scuzati-ma, sincer, pe 25 decembrie mai simtiti mirosul de cozonac?

Probabil aceasta manipulare in masa ii va duce intr-un final la o Sarbatoare a Craciunului in acelasi timp cu o Sarbatoare a Pastelui pe data de 1 Martie! Cata paguba! Imaginati-va! Sau, nu? Cat castig!? Eu n-as vrea sa port o rochie 3 in 1 dar sigur ei ar vrea sa vanda si globulete si vopsea de oua si Martisoare in acelasi timp! Complicat, anyway…

Vreau sa simt Sarbatoarea de Craciun, profund si intens de Craciun, imi este dor de caldura sufleteasca a sarbatorilor de iarna, de traditie. Mi-e dor sa simt oameni care inteleg prin febra sarbatorilor de iarna cu totul si cu totul altceva decat a fi primul care face bradul, primul care aprinde lumina, primul care face petrecerea, primul care lanseaza colectia, primul care imi raspunde: “ in perioada aceasta nu avem timp, suntem foarte ocupati”, etc. Nebunie in toate micile sau marile companii, nu mai vorbesc de firmele de curierat. Cred ca mai mult de jumatate din tarisoara noastra este in prag de comotie cerebrala cu mai bine de o luna inainte de Craciun! Hello? Mos Craciun? Dati-le o pauza!

Tinuta mea a apartinut celui mai minunat suflet, bunicii mele, cea datorita careia exist.

La baza look-ului meu sta fota neagra tesuta in razboi manual cu fir auriu ( traditionalul port romanesc din zona Muscel, Arges) pe care bunica mea a purtat-o in ziua nuntii ei impreuna cu o ie lunga, lucrate de mana de catre mama ei, respectiv strabunica mea. Acum, peste mai mult de 100 de ani, pentru mine aceasta este tinuta care te poate face memorabila! Este o Sarbatoare in sine!

Cautati in lada bunicii! Nu ati gasit? Mai cautati o data! Traditia exista in voi, asteapta doar sa o descoperiti!

Voi sarbatori si rochia de Craciun, nu va faceti griji, nu vreau sa ma intorc in timp dar in viitor n-as sta pe ganduri sa fac un salt!

Festive wear

I chose to wear traditional festive clothes, modified by myself and adapted to the current trends, especially as a sign of protest against the invasion of the violent marketing (“aggressive” is overused and soft) over the last years from every department in this period before the celebration of Christmas.

Our subconscious has been invaded since the end of September through different flyers or e-mails sent when people had just returned from their summer vacation; the lights on the streets, in the Malls light up in November more recently; I feel that merchandise specific to Christmas, in stores of any kind, is expired, outdated, overexposed, on shelves since October. I am sorry, but honestly will you still feel the smell of cozonac (the traditional Romanian sweet bread) on the 25th of December?

Probably this mass manipulation will lead them to a celebration of Christmas at the same time with the celebration of Easter, on the 1st of March! What a waste! Imagine! Or not? What a gain!? I wouldn’t like to wear a 3 in 1 dress but they would certainly like to sell at the same time Christmas globes, egg paint and martisoare (the Romanian traditional symbol of spring) at the same time! Anyway, it’s complicated…

I want to feel the holiday of Christmas, a deep and intense Christmas, I miss the spiritual warmth of the winter holidays, the tradition. I miss feeling the vibe of people that understand something else from the holiday fever other than being the first to put up the Christmas tree, the first to turn on the lights, the first to throw the party, the first to launch the winter collection, the first to answer: “we don’t have time during this period, we are very busy”, etc. Insanity in every small or big company let alone the courier companies. I think that more than half of this country is on the verge of suffering a concussion with more than one month before Christmas! Hello? Santa? Give them a break!

My outfit belonged to the most wonderful soul, my grandmother, thanks to whom I exist.

The main item of my outfit is the black fota (part of the Romanian women’s traditional wear) woven on a loom with golden thread (the Romanian traditional outfit from Muscel, Arges) that my grandmother wore on her wedding day with a long ie (part of the Romanian women’s traditional wear), both made by hand by her mother, respectively, my great-grandmother. Now, when more than 100 years have passed, for me this is the outfit that can make you hard to forget! The outfit itself is a celebration!

Look into your grandmother’s chest! You didn’t find it? Look again! The tradition exists within you, it only awaits for you to discover it!

I will also celebrate the Christmas dress, don’t worry, I don’t want to go back in time but I wouldn’t think twice before making a leap into the future!

There is no end.
There is no beginning.
There is only the infinite passion of life.

Federico Fellini
