Flori de Sanziene

Simonity | June 23, 2015 - 16 Comments

Simona Nicorina Burcea  Flori parfumate cu mireasma de Rai Simonity Sanziene Simonity Keep it casual but sexy Simonity  Roxet Bare Foot Sandals Simonity Sacru, Solar Simonity Baghete magice Simonity Ritual Simonity Conectarea cu pamantul Simonity Vacanta cu soare, caldura si multa lumina in suflete!

Photos by Sebastian Enache

Wearing: ROXET STYLE & FASHION strapless bra, barefoot sandals / TATIANA STRIMBOVSCHI skirt

Flori de Sanziene

Sunt seri in care, inainte cu cateva clipe sa adorm, mintea imi este invadata de propozitii si fraze complete si frumos creionate dar cum se face ca de fiecare data cand sunt pe punctul de a ma da jos din pat pentru a le asterne pe hartie sunt deja pe taramul viselor? Oricat de mult as incerca sa reproduc dimineata ceea ce cu o seara in urma mintea a vrut sa-mi spuna, nu-mi iese. Pentru cei ca mine, banuiesc ca s-au inventat hashtag-urile. Asadar, dimineata, eu sunt franturi de cuvinte. Sanziene, lumina, mitologie, cult, solar, hora, sacru, dans, ritualic, descantec, plante de leac, belsug, zane bune, to be continued. Toate ametite. Dupa primul contact cu apa incep sa deslusesc cate ceva, aceasta reusind sa-mi limpezeasca oarecum mintea.

Fiecare sedinta foto are farmecul ei, dar ceea ce m-a facut sa ma simt cu adevarat magic de aceasta data a fost sa imbrac doua piese create special pentru mine de designer-ul Roxana Pirvu: bustiera cu sute de margelute cusute manual si accesoriile pentru picioare, numite “barefood sandals”, hiturile acestei veri in acceptiunea mea. Mai populare ca niciodata aceste accesorii inventate de vechii egipteni si hindusi sunt minunate vara, atunci cand ziua se transforma parca in eternitate si abia asteptam sa ne aruncam din picioare incaltamintea cu toc dar in acelasi timp ne dorim sa: keep it casual but sexy! Oricare dintre variante ati alege: confectionate din dantela, crosetate, decorate cu margele sau pietre, va garantez ca piciorusele voastre se vor simti regine in acea zi, iar conectarea cu pamantul va face sa va simtiti acasa si pentru aceasta stare va va multumi intreg organismul.

Revenind la traditia noastra romaneasca, parada margelutelor galbene aruncate pe bretele confortabile din jurul gatului au creat inca din primul moment pentru mine povestea florilor de sanziene. Seminte plantate din care cu ajutorul soarelui au rasarit fire de sanziene, baghete magice ale zanelor bune menite in a ma ajuta sa ma daruiesc naturii. Dar care este prima mea amintire legata de florile de sanziene? Din relatarile mamei mele, bunica mergea cativa km zilnic doar pentru a-mi umple cadita de baie in fiecare seara cu aceste flori parfumate cu mireasma de Rai, bebelus fiind.

Combinatia dintre volumul dat de fusta in stilul anilor 60, topul scurt si impletiturile pe glezne au creat un look numai bun de purtat pe campurile si poienile pline cu flori de sanziene.

Vacanta cu soare, caldura si multa lumina in suflete va doresc!

Lady’s Bedstraw Flowers

There are nights when for a few moments before falling asleep, my mind is overrun by complete and beautifully outlined sentences and phrases. But how come that, whenever I am about to get out of bed and write them down on a piece of paper, I am already in Dream Land? No matter how hard I may try to define that morning which an evening before my mind wanted to tell me something, I find myself in difficulty. I suppose that hash-tags were invented for those like me. Therefore, in the mornings, I am slices of words. Lady’s Bedstraw flowers, light, mythology, religion, solar, round dance, sacred, ritualistic dance, incantation, medicinal herbs, abundance, good fairies, to be continued… All dizzy. After my first contact with water, I begin to distinguish something, managing somehow to clear up my mind.

Each photo shooting has its own charm, but what truly made me feel magical this time was the fact that I got to wear two pieces of clothing especially designed for me, by designer Roxana Pirvu: a strapless bra with hundreds of manually sewn beads and the feet accessories, also called “barefoot sandals”, this summer’s hits from my viewpoint. More popular than ever, these accessories invented by the ancient Egyptians and Hindus are wonderful during summertime, when the day seems to be turning into eternity and we hardly wait to get off our high-heel shoes, but at the same time we want to keep it casual, but sexy! Whichever version you may choose: lacy, weaved, decorated with beads and tinsels, I assure you that your feet will feel like royalty that day, and the connection with the earth will make you feel like home and your entire body will thank you for this feeling.

Getting back to our Romanian tradition, the parade of yellow beads sewn on the straps which feel quite comfortable around my neck has created, from the very moment, the story of the Lady’s bedstraw flowers. Sowed seeds from which, with the help of the sun, Lady’s Bedstraw flowers have popped up, magical wands of good fairies designed to help me give myself to nature. But which would be my first recollection of these Lady’s Bedstraw flowers? From my mother’s stories, when I was just a baby, my grandmother used to walk a few kilometers a day every evening only to fill my bath tab with these fragrant flowers with heavenly smell.

The combination between the volume of the 60s skirt, the short top and the interlacing on the ankles created a clean look appropriate for wearing on the fields and clearings rich in Lady’s Bedstraw flowers.

I wish you a sunny holiday, warmth and light into your hearts!

There is no end.
There is no beginning.
There is only the infinite passion of life.

Federico Fellini
