Fairytale Fashion Fantasy

Simonity | December 16, 2015 - 6 Comments

Simonity - Roxet dress Simonity Queen Fantasy Simonity Romantic Fantasy Simonity Fashion Fantasy Dress Simonity The Queen of the Ball Simonity Extravagant Tiara Simonity Royal Tiara

Photos by Catalin Pirvu

Hairstyle by Crina Enachioiu / SALON New C

Wearing: ROXET STYLE & FASHION dress, tiara

Fairytale Fashion Fantasy

Brodata manual cu fructe de calin si de un volum maiestuos in partea de jos, rochia Queen Fantasy este o creatie a Roxanei Pirvu si face parte din conceptul  denumit Autumn Fantasy. Numele colectiei spune cate ceva despre ceea ce transmite fiecare rochie in parte: natura ce imbraca trupul, il contopeste si il transforma prin forta creatoare, originalitatea, inspiratia si daruirea  cu care Roxana  a innobilat inteaga colectie, aceasta castigand Premiul pentru Creatie in cadrul Festivalului National Studentesc de Moda Culorile Toamnei, 2015.

Este rochia creata pentru femeia dornica sa fie regina balului. That’s me! In cazul de fata fairy…depaseste moda, transformand-o in arta,  in basm si pasiune. Tinuta imbogatita cu o tiara extravaganta, o coroana regala realizata din aceleasi bobite rosii cusute pe rochie,  spune o poveste pe care nu o poti exprima in cuvinte putand afla de la o tinuta ceea ce ∞ cuvinte nu pot exprima.

Elementele fantastice din lumea basmelor continua sa ma captiveze, iar cu putin suprarealism, reusesc sa evadez rapid din realitate, aceasta abordare purtandu-ma cu insufletire, feminitate si delicatete, dintr-un cadru romantic, transparent si cuminte, printr-o atitudine cameleonica, intr-un decor dark, misterios si fascinant, construind un personaj excentric, fabulous si usor dramatic.

Ma reintorc din taramul de vis cu inocenta intrebare pusa de IaniS  la finalul unei povesti: “ Mami, de-adevarat?”

De-a adevarat! Am visat o romantica fantezie despre o regina! Acum inteleg un pic mai bine realitatea.

Nu este un capriciu, traiti-va propria fantezie prin moda!

Vin sarbatorile, este momentul sa purtati tiare si sa visati  idilic!

Fiti regine!

Fairytale Fashion Fantasy

Manually embroidered with sheepberries and having a majestic volume in the lower part, the Queen Fantasy dress is a Roxana Pirvu creation and it is part of the concept called “Autumn Fantasy”. The name of the collection says something about what each distinct dress transmits: the nature covers the body, melts and transforms it by means of the creative force, the originality, the inspiration and the commitment with which Roxana Pirvu has ennobled the entire collection; in 2015 she also won the Prize for Creation within the “Autumn’s colors” Students’ National Fashion Festival.

It is a dress designed for the woman willing to become the queen of the ball. That’s me! For this particular case “fairy”… it beats fashion, transforming it into art, fairytale and passion. The dress, enriched by an extravagant tiara, a royal crown made from the same red beads that are sewn on the dress, tells a story that you cannot capture in words, being able to find out from a dress what an ∞ of words can never express.

The fantastic elements of the fairytale world continue to captivate me, and with the help of a little surrealism, I manage to escape from this reality, this kind of approach taking me with vividness, firmness and delicacy, from a romantic, transparent and quiet setting by means of a cameleonic attitude, into a dark, mysterious and fascinating scenery, building up an eccentric, fabulous and slightly-dramatic character.

I come back from this dreamland with the innocent question that IaniS always asks at the end of each story: “Mum, is it true?”

Quite true! I was dreaming about a romantic fantasy with a queen! Now I understand reality a lot better.

It is not a vanity, live your own fantasy through fashion!

Holidays are coming, it is time to wear tiaras and dream idyllically!

Be queens!

There is no end.
There is no beginning.
There is only the infinite passion of life.

Federico Fellini
