The Off – Shoulder Dress

Simonity | March 19, 2015 - 6 Comments

Simona Nicorina Burcea Intrebare IaniS” Mami nu vrei sa-ti faci un blog de povesti” Simonity The Off- Soulders Dress Simona Nicorina Burcea Incuiata in povesti! Dati-mi o cheie! Simonity Povesti… Pentru ca ma simt femeie! Simonity Roxet Style & Fashion coat Simona Nicorina Burcea Radiati si deschideti-va asemenea florilor in fata primaverii! Simona Nicorina Burcea The Off- Soulders Dress Simonity Eu aleg feminitatea! Voi

Photos by Sebastian Enache

Wearing: ROXET STYLE & FASHION coat / ZARA dress / VINTAGE corset / MUSETTE shoes / ZARA clutch bag / OR DU TEMPS earrings

The Off- Shoulder Dress

Intrebare IaniS: ” Mami nu vrei sa-ti faci un blog de povesti ? “

M-a blocat la un asemenea nivel, gandindu-ma profund la intrebarea lui, pana mi-am dat seama ca nu mai sunt in stare sa scriu un cuvant. Si din acea clipa asa am ramas. Incuiata in povesti! Dati-mi o cheie!

The real story este despre cum nu-mi place vantul rece de primavara, despre rochia decoltata pe umeri, despre cursul firesc al lucrurilor si nu in ultimul rand despre feminitate.

Recunosc ca nu fac parte din categoria femeilor care isi achizitioneaza rochii negre ca o prima optiune, nici macar care considera ca trebuie sa ai o astfel de rochie obligatoriu in garderoba, din simplul motiv ca aleg in locul banalului, iesitul din comun si imi asum toate riscurile. Nu mai spun ca regulile gen “little black dress” ma isterizeaza de-a dreptul. Prefer sa ma inspir din culorile florilor, pestilor tropicali, fluturilor si a tot ceea ce inseamna viata. Asta nu inseamna ca nu detin o multime de astfel de rochii dar nu datorita culorii ci a povestii care se creaza in mintea mea cand vad o astfel de rochie.

Rochia decoltata pe umeri este o piesa cheie, in tendinte in acesta primavara iar pana in momentul in care temperaturile au de gand sa se ridice intr-un final in termometre este ideala pentru a pune in valoare si a scoate in evidenta silueta feminina. Tocmai de aceea, remarcand la rochie din prima clipa stilul indraznet dar in acelasi timp delicat, culoarea a fost ultimul lucru care a mai contat pentru mine.

M-am protejat de vantul puternic si rece de primavara intregindu-mi look-ul cu ajutorul unei hainute calduroase, pufoase dar eleganta, in nuanta electrica fucsia, cu o croiala asimetrica in clini si insertii din dantela neagra, o creatie chic, unicat a prietenei mele, designer-ul Roxana Pirvu.

Corsetul-brau cu impletituri, vintage, care-mi evidentiaza talia, il detin de foarte multi ani si ma bucur foate mult ca l-am pastrat, avand in vedere ca impletiturile sunt de mare actualitate. Am indraznit mai mult si am accesorizat tinuta cu un clutch impodobit cu pene, oferind outfit-ului un aer glamour.

Creati-va propriile povesti in jurul rochiilor! Este momentul sa va dezgoliti picioarele, sa fiti admirate si feminine! Radiati si deschideti-va asemenea florilor in fata primaverii!

Am fost intrebata in mesaje private: “De ce nicio postare imbracata in pantaloni?” Nu stiu raspunsul, imi trebuie o cheie. Povesti… Pentru ca ma simt femeie! Si orice mi-ati spune, o femeie poate capata toate atributele admirabile in pantaloni dar tot isi pastreaza acel aer masculin. Eu aleg feminitatea! Voi?

The Off- Shoulder Dress

Question from Ianis:” Mommy, won’t you make a blog with stories?”

I was stuck to such an extent, thinking deeply about his question, until I realized I am unable to write one more word. And from that moment on, I stayed that way. Stuck in stories! Give me a key!

The real story is about how I don’t like the cold spring wind, about The Off – Shoulder Dress, about the natural course of things, and last, but not least, about femininity.

I admit, I’m not one of the women who go for the black dress as the first option, not even one who thinks such a dress is a must, simply because I choose instead of the common, the unusual, and I take all the risks that go with it. Not to mention that rules like “little black dress” just make me mad. I’d rather get inspiration from the colors of flowers, tropical fish, butterflies and all that is life. This doesn’t mean that I don’t own a lot of these dresses, not because of the color, but of the story that is created in my mind when I see such a dress.

The Off – Shoulder Dress is a key piece, trending this spring, and until the temperature is going to finally rise in thermometers, it is ideal to lay stress and point out a woman’s figure. It is precisely why, noticing first on the dress its bold, but at the same time delicate style, color was the last thing that mattered to me.

I used as protection from the strong and cold spring wind to complete my look a warm, fluffy but elegant coat in the electric fuchsia nuance with an asymmetrical cut in gores and black lace insertions, a chic, unique creation of my friend, designer Roxana Pirvu.

I’ve had the vintage, braided corset, which lays emphasis on my waist, for many years and I am very glad that I kept it, considering that braidings are of present day. I have dared more and accessorized the outfit with a clutch decorated with feathers, giving the outfit a glamour air.

Create your own stories around dresses! It is high time you bared your legs, be admired and feminine! Blaze and open like flowers in front of spring!

I was asked in private messages: “Why is there no post with you wearing pants?” I don’t know the answer to that, I need a key. Stories….. Because I feel like a woman! And no matter what you say, a woman can acquire all the admirable attributes in pants, but still keeps that masculine air. I choose femininity! You?

There is no end.
There is no beginning.
There is only the infinite passion of life.

Federico Fellini

