nashi ARGAN

Simonity | July 27, 2014 - 12 Comments

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Photos by Catalin Eremia

Wearing: DELIRE swimming suit / DELIRE pareo / IPANEMA sandals / OUT OF AFRICA earrings and accessory for pareo / HAND MADE bracelets

nashi ARGAN

Cele mai frecvente intrebari care-mi sunt adresate de cand ma stiu: dar parul tau asa este sau ii faci tu ceva? Si a doua, la pachet cu prima, invariabil: dar l-ai indreptat vreodata? Raspunsurile difera de la caz la interlocutor iar intrebarile nu reusesc sa ma plictiseasca. Culmea, niciodata! Desi, credeti-ma sunt foarte frecvente chiar si de la persoane care ma cunosc de-o viata si care au mai pus aceleasi intrebari.

Parul meu este fara doar si poate creatie divina, mostenire de la bunicul. Nici un fier, plastic sau mai stiu eu ce unealta si instrument de hair styling chiar si cu ajutorul unor maini magice n-ar reusi sa scoata la iveala din capusorul meu cret, buclele rebele!

Lucky you! Veti spune…

Indeed! Sunt ∞ recunoscatoare!

Intretinerea parului cret natural este o adevarata arta iar detinatoarele unui astfel de par stiu despre ce vorbesc! Cuvintele de baza sunt: hidratare si nutritie! Si nu oricum, cu multa rabdare! Mai mult de atat, eu sunt genul de femeie care daca nu am parul mereu proaspat spalat, sunt convinsa ca nu-mi sta bine rochia!

Pana de curand eram absolut sigura ca folosirea produselor de ingrijire specifice tipului de par este obligatorie si imi cumparam numai produse de ingrijire destinate parului ondulat natural.

Mitul mi-a fost doborat de nashi ARGAN, minunea pe care v-o recomand din fir a par! Uleiul de argan din produse este 100% bio! Toate produsele se potrivesc tuturor tipurilor de par!

SAMPONUL for all kind of hair curata impecabil produsele de styling ca nici un altul fara sa agreseze firul de par.

DEEP INFUSION restorative hydrating mask actioneaza in 7 minute si face ce orice alta masca hranitoare cu greu  reuseste,  redand volumul natural al parului ceea ce alte tratamente de hidratare nu o fac!

Parul meu dupa fiola tratament PHYTO REPAIR EXPRESS ( se foloseste pe parul spalat, dupa masca tratament sau balsam) imi aminteste de parul thailandezelor( atat de frumos si bogat datorita hidratarii naturale, urmare a umiditatii aerului). Marturisesc ca pe toata perioada vizitei mele in Thailanda am avut cel mai frumos par, cu cele mai definite bucle din toata viata si cel mai hidratat ten, prinse doar din aer si natura! Dupa ELIXIR- ul care se lasa pe par doar 3 minute va garantez ca nu va veti mai recunoaste propriul par!

La final eu aplic INSTANT leave in si nu uit niciodata de comoara cea mai de pret: o pictura din ULEIUL DE ARGAN, tratamentul de frumusete,  insistand mai mult pe varfuri si distribuind uniform  spre radacini.

That’s it! Cel mai matasos, luxuriant si diafan par cu nashi ARGAN!

Sa va mai spun de miros? Va las sa-l descoperiti singure in rasfatul parului vostru si astept parerile voastre!

Produsele se pot comanda online dar se gasesc si in saloanele de hairstyle.

nashi ARGAN

The most common questions that have been asked to me since forever: is your hair natural or do you do something to it? And the second, always accompanying the first: have you ever straightened it? The answers vary from case to case, from speaker to speaker and questions never bore me. Seriously, never! Although, believe me they are very common and from people who have known me for a lifetime and who have asked the same questions in the past.

My hair is undoubtedly a divine creation, inherited from my grandfather. No iron, plastic or anything that a hair styling tool and instrument even with the help of magical hands would not be able to unearth in my curly head, the rebel curls!

Lucky you! You will say…

Indeed! I am ∞ grateful!

Maintaining natural curly hair is an art and persons that have such hair know what I mean! Basic words are hydration and nutrition! And anyway, a lot of patience! Moreover, I am the kind of woman that is convinced that a dress does not look good on me if my hair is not freshly washed!

Until recently I was absolutely sure that the use of hair care products specific to the type of hair one has is compulsory and I only bought hair care products for naturally curly hair.

My myth was busted by nashi Argan, the miracle I absolutely recommend! Argan oil is a 100% organic product! All products are suitable for all types of hair!

Shampoo for all kinds of hair washes away impeccably styling products – like no other product – without damaging the hair.

DEEP INFUSION restorative hydrating mask works in 7 minutes and does what hardly any other nourishing mask does, restoring natural volume of the hair which other moisturizing treatments do not!

My hair, after the PHYTO REPAIR EXPRESS treatment ampoule (used on washed hair after treatment mask or conditioner), reminds me of Thai women hair (so beautiful and rich thanks to natural hydration, due to air humidity). I confess that during the whole period of my visit to Thailand I had the most beautiful hair, the most defined curls in all my life and the most hydrated skin, just thanks to air and nature! After the ELIXIR that must be left on your hair for just 3 minutes I guarantee you will not recognize your own hair!

Finally I apply INSTANT leave in and never forget the most precious treasure: a painting of ARGAN OIL, beauty treatment, focusing more on the ends and spreading evenly to the roots.

That’s it! The most silky, lush and ethereal hair with ARGAN nashi!

Should I tell you about the smell?

I’ll leave you to discover in pampering of your hair and look forward to your opinions!

Products you can order online but can also be found in hairstyle salons.

There is no end.
There is no beginning.
There is only the infinite passion of life.

Federico Fellini
