M.A.C. arons

Simonity | October 8, 2014 - No Comments

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Photos by Catalin Eremia

Make-up by Simona- Nicorina Burcea

M.A.C. arons

Astazi va voi povesti despre un produs indispensabil mie! Am luat aceasta decizie in urma asaltarii cu intrebari a prietenelor de-a lungul timpului.


Intrebarile au fost multe, mi-e greu sa le reproduc pe toate dar se reduc la modul urmator: Dar de ce la tine se vede rujul altfel (atunci cand era vorba de acelasi ruj)? Dar cum de nu ti se intinde rujul si se pastreaza atat de bine? Atat de mult timp pe buze? Este un ruj rezistent la transfer? Ce ruj folosesti? Este atat de intens!

Obisnuiesc sa folosesc rujuri in culori puternice… Si DA! Chiar de la prima ora a diminetii! Si vorbim in 99 % din cazuri de cum mai vorbeam si intr-un alt post: DOORS, de ∞ nuante de rosu! Si nu de ieri, de azi, dintotdeauna!

Cine este in tabara cu mine stie cu ce ne luptam noi, iubitoarele de culoare. Si nu numai! Ma adresez aici si fetelor care folosesc nuante naturale si discrete! Ma adresez de fapt tuturor celor care vor ca rujul sau orice alt produs de infrumusetare a buzelor, sa arate impecabil in orice moment fara sa se simta deloc nevoite sa-si verifice in permanenta, in oglinda starea produsului pe buze!

Acum am sa va spun adevarul pur: creionul contur pentru buze pentru mine este un mit fals! Mai mult de atat v-as ruga daca este cu putiinta, incercati sa va corectati forma buzelor discret, nu mai depasiti linia naturala a buzelor cu inca un mm! Nu exista cuvinte sa descrie imaginea! Va recomand in schimb sa gasiti nuantele si texturile care sa va avantajeze!

Eu nu am intalnit inca creionul contur care sa creeze acea bariera peste care rujul sa nu treaca in timp. Cum de altfel, inainte sa descopar M.A.C. PREP + PRIME nu am fost multumita nici de alta baza de machiaj pentru buze!

Doar cu baza de machiaj M.A.C. LIP, rujul, luciul, arata si rezista impecabil! Va spun toate aceste lucruri pentru ca pana la M.A.C. m-am luptat mult sa inteleg ce trebuie sa descopar ca rujul sa fie minunat!

Pentru ca: DA!

M.A.C. PREP + PRIME LIP transforma orice ruj in unul de milioane!

…atat de indispensabil incat daca nu-l am prefer sa-mi las buzele naturale…

Astept sa-mi impartasiti din experientele voastre!

M.A.C. arons

Today I will present to you a must-have product for me! I’ve decided to write about it after a long time of being invaded by too many questions coming from friends.


I was asked so many questions that it is hard for me to write them all, but essentially they refer to: Why does this lipstick look different on you (referring to the same lipstick)? How come your lipstick doesn’t spread out and it looks so good all the time? It lasts that much on your lips? Is it transfer resistant? What lipstick are you wearing? It’s so intense!

I usually wear bright colored lipstick…. And YES! All day long! And I am referring to 99% of the situations as I’ve already told you in another post:   DOORS, of ∞ shades of red! And not since yesterday or today, but since forever!

Whoever shares this passion with me knows what we are up against, we – color lovers! And I am also talking to girls who use natural and discrete shades! I am actually talking to anyone who wants their lipstick or any other lip product to look flawless on them at any time without having to permanently check their lips in the mirror.

And now it’s the moment of truth: lip liners are a false myth for me! Moreover, I would ask you – if you can – to try to adjust the shape of your lips discretely without going outside your lip line with another mm! The image cannot be described using words! In turn I recommend that you use the shades and textures that fit you best!

I have not yet found the lip liner that might create the barrier that prevents lipstick from spreading out after a while. How come before I discovered M.A.C. PREP + PRIME I had not been satisfied with any other lip make-up base!

Only with M.A.C. LIP base lipstick, lip gloss look and last flawless! I am telling you all this because before I discovered M.A.C. I struggled a lot to understand what I needed to uncover to make lipstick look wonderful!

Because: YES!

M.A.C. PREP + PRIME LIP makes any lipstick look expensive and precious!

…definitely a must-have – without it I rather not use any lip make-up at all…

Waiting for your answers!

There is no end.
There is no beginning.
There is only the infinite passion of life.

Federico Fellini



