Music and roses

Simonity | September 9, 2014 - 4 Comments

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Photos by Catalin Eremia

Wearing: ZARA dress, shoes, jacket, clutch bag / ISABEL MARANT FOR H&M bracelet / PARFOIS ring, earrings / BETE / RED ROSES hair accessory

Music and roses

Daca ma intrebati pe mine, cred ca isteria trandafirilor in par a inceput usor sa ia amploare odata cu Lana del Rey pe care personal o ador, femeie, timbru vocal, concept, produs, versuri, fiinta!

Nu as putea sa vad in veci muzica fara fashion si invers. Mi se par amantii perfecti. Mai mult de atat traiesc in ultimul timp momente atat de grave de dependenta de muzica incat abia dupa ce-mi injectez in vene o portie de sunete date la maxim simt ca pot sa respir relativ bine, sa revin cu picioarele pe pamant DAR sa-mi pastrez capul in nori.

Rochia pe care v-o propun astazi este una in carouri, lejera dar ultra feminina, cu buzunare( adorabil) si spate gol. Am ales sa scot din anonimat carourile cu o mostenire de peste 100 de ani de la strabunica mea: BETE in talie, gest care m-a facut sa ma simt 4 generatii intr-una…Muzica este eterna?

Va imbratisez ∞!

Music and roses

If you asked me, the hysteria of roses hair accessories started to spread gradually once Lana del Rey – who I personally love as a woman, voice, concept, product, lyrics, being! – became famous in the music industry.

I could never see music without fashion or fashion without music. They seem to be the perfect lovers. Moreover, lately I’ve been so addicted to music that only after shooting up my dose of sounds played at maximum volume, I can feel like breathing normally, like my feet are on the ground and my head in the sky.

The dress I would like to propose today is a light, checkered, backless dress, very girly, with pockets (adorable). I chose to shed some light on the beauty of checkered clothes with a legacy of 100 years from my great-grandmother: fabric belt which actually made me feel like I was condensing 4 generations into one alone. Is music eternal?

∞ hugs!

There is no end.
There is no beginning.
There is only the infinite passion of life.

Federico Fellini




