Pink Army

Simonity | September 1, 2016 - 3 Comments

Simonity Pink Army Simonity Love or Grief Simonity Army Style Simonity Pink Versus Army Simonity That Little Flirtatious Dress Simonity Feminine Army Style Simonty Army Pink DetailsSimonity Army Portrait Photography Simonity Army Graffiti Simonity Beach Army Simonity Army Summer Beach Simonity Pink Swimsuit Army Style

Photos by Marius Burcea

Wearing: DANA BUDEANU flirtatious dress / U.S. Army shirt, beret / CALZEDONIA swimsuit / ZARA sandals / CROMIA GALA clutch

Pink Army

What happens when Pink meets Army? Love or grief?

Pink Army sau Pink contra Army? Sau un alt fel de a va intreba ca in orice razboi: de partea cui sunteti? Prea multe intrebari insa puse cu scopul de a creea un joc al mintii menit in a va ajuta sa percepeti mai bine vizual uniunea si, in acelasi timp, contrastul dintre cele doua. Eu le simt una de partea celeilalte completandu-se prin forta, intensitatea si saturatia rozului care indulceste seriozitatea si rigurozitatea stilului army, amandoua fiind puse parca si mai bine in valoare in prima parte a tinutei de inocenta culorii ivoire a rochitei.

Este un outfit in care eu ma simt minunat tocmai prin autenticitatea lui, camasa cat si bereta fiind originale U.S. Army, astfel, purtand cu mine un trecut misterios, povesti nestiute si implicit un cumul de emotii. Alaturarea mai multor stiluri: jucaus, ingenuu, strengaresc dar feminin, army, puternic, elegant, electric si stralucitor ma duc acum cu gandul privind fotografiile, la realitatea cotidiana, la razboiul zilnic pe care il purtam cu noi insine, protectia de care fiecare avem atata nevoie, armura noastra cea de toate zilele, starea de veghe permanenta asupra copiilor nostri, de ce nu sensibilitatea pe care alegem sa o expunem sau nu si intr-un final capacitatea de a ne transforma si abilitatea cu care ne regasim echilibrul si pacea interioara.

Unul dintre motivele pentru care filtratious dress by Dana Budeanu mie nu imi lipseste din bagaje, oriunde calatoresc, este acela ca pentru mine a devenit de-a lungul timpului “that little flirtatious dress”. You must have with you one flirtatious dress everywhere, just in case!  Believe me!  It’s a must have for your safety! I mean your own femininity’s safety style!

Creati un rol din tinuta voastra zilnica! Este ceea ce eu de cele mai multe ori inteleg prin stil. Traiti prin acel personaj, descoperti-i esenta dandu-i viata si sens, jucati-va punandu-l in scena vietii si in acelasi timp fiti voi insiva insufletindu-l prin propria atitudine, creativitate, si sensibilitate!

Pink Army

What happens when Pink meets Army? Love or grief?

Pink Army or Pink versus Army? Or another way of asking yourselves whose side are you on in a war? Too many questions, but asked with the purpose of creating a mind game meant to help you better visually imagine the union and, at the same time, the contrast between the two. I feel them as one at the other’s side, completing one another by the strength, the intensity and saturation of pink, which sweetens the seriousness and harshness of the army style, both better highlighted in the first part of the outfit by the naiveté of the dress’s ivory color.

This is an outfit that makes me feel wonderful precisely by its authenticity, the shirt, as well as the beret being US Army original, carrying with me a mysterious past, unknown stories and implicitly, an ensemble of emotions. Combining several styles: playful, ingenuous, tricksy, but feminine, army, strong, elegant, electric and shining gets me thinking, when looking at the photos, at everyday reality, the daily war we wage with ourselves, the protection we need so much, our daily armor, the permanent watch over our children, and why not, the sensitivity we choose to show or not and, in the end, the ability to transform and the capacity with which we find balance and inner peace again.

One of the reasons why the flirtatious dress by Dana Budeanu is always in my bags wherever I may travel is that for me, it has become over time “that little flirtatious dress”.  You must have with you one flirtatious dress everywhere, just in case!  Believe me!  It’s a must have for your safety! I mean your own femininity’s safety style!

Try imagining a part for your daily outfit! This is what I understand, most of the times, by style. Live through that character, discover its essence bringing it to life and giving it meaning, play and place it on life’s stage and, at the same time, be you animating it by your own attitude, creativity and sensitivity!

There is no end.
There is no beginning.
There is only the infinite passion of life.

Federico Fellini
