La Mia Dolce Vita

Simonity | December 29, 2014 - 12 Comments

Simonity La Dolce Vita 2015 Simona Nicorina Burcea If today you are better than yesterday, than tomorrow you are your own winner! Simonity “We must get beyond passions, like a great work of art. In such miraculous harmony. We should learn to love each other so much to live outside of time... detached.” Federico Fellini Simona Nicorina Burcea Silk vaporous dress flowing like honey Simona Nicorina Burcea La Dolce Vita 2015 Simonity Red “photogenic” dress Simonity The first dress chosen with the eyes of a child, IaniS Simonity Why Not

Photos by Sebastian Enache

Wearing: LIA ARAM dress / ZARA sandals / MANGO purse / MELI MELO earrings, ring

La Mia Dolce Vita

E dificil sa nu intocmim bilanturi imaginare ale anului care se apropie de sfarsit si sa nu ne facem planuri sau sa nu ne cream macar cateva flash-uri despre cum ne dorim sa se deruleze anul ce urmeaza. Nu stiu cum am putea scapa de acest program. Ceva anume il acceseaza in mintea noastra fie ca vrem sau nu, pe furis parca.

Fiecare dintre noi avem multe de povestit cu multe invataturi de spus sau nu, condimentate cu mai mult sau mai putina: „Dolce Vita”! Mi-ar placea sa va ascult pe toti! Eu am trait intr-un an cat in multi altii adunati la un loc, bineinteles cu toate aromele necesare, intr-o succesiune ametitoare chiar. So what? Am invatat printre altele ca singura competitie in care se merita sa intru este cea cu mine insami, restul este pierdere de energie. Daca azi esti mai bun ca ieri, maine esti castigatorul tau! Am invat la ∞ ca pentru a exista cu adevarat trebuie sa ma fac fericita. Fara psihanaliza si fara nicio teorie a fericirii. Punct. That’s me! Mai devreme sau mai tarziu imi iau portia de miere de la viata! Pentru anul care urmeaza, nu intamplator, exista in spatele meu, intr-una dintre fotografii, una din dorintele ce-si asteapta randul de peste doua decenii. Why not?

Nu numai ca nimic nu este intamplator, chiar mai presus de atat, totul se leaga si se aduna in jurul nostru in functie de modul in care ne plasmuim gandurile legate de acel eveniment. Ultima sesiune foto din anul acesta s-a desfasurat in locul cu numele: La Dolce Vita. Grazie Marcello Battaglia! Parfumul meu de suflet: Dolce Vita. Nu cred ca trebuie sa va mai spun de motto-ul blogului ce apartine celebrului regizor al filmului La Dolce Vita, Federico Fellini, iar lista ar putea continua cu multe detalii dar deja m-ati crede oarecum paranoica.

Dar sa povestim despre aceasta rochie “fotogenica”, asa cum a definit-o Sebastian pe buna dreptate, in timpul sedintei foto.

Va prezint cu multa mandrie, recunosc, prima rochie aleasa cu ochii de copil ai lui IaniS. Vizitand impreuna targul V for Vintage cu aproape 2 luni in urma, a fost cucerit de-a dreptul de rochie, dragoste la prima vedere pentru el, mi-a soptit: mami imi place rochia atat de mult! N-am stat pe ganduri, eram si eu fascinata de rochia vaporoasa de matase care curgea ca mierea si oricum mintea mea deja isi crea imagini purtand-o la petrecerea dintre ani! Trebuie sa stiti ca de multi ani m-am hotarat sa port indiscutabil pentru Revelion rosu, culoarea mea preferata in orice situatie.

La Dolce Vita 2015!

“We must get beyond passions, like a great work of art. In such miraculous harmony. We should learn to love each other so much to live outside of time… detached.”

“Trebuie sa ne depasim pasiunile ca o opera de arta mareata. Intr-o armonie miraculoasa. Ar trebui sa invatam sa ne iubim unul pe altul atat de mult incat sa traim dincolo de barierele temporale… detasati”.

La dolce vita, Federico Fellini Masterpiece

La Mia Dolce Vita

It’s hard not to build imaginary summaries of the year that comes to an end and not to plan or to create at least a few flashes about how we wish to spend the next year. I don’t know how we could erase this schedule. Something – secretly, it seems – enables it in our mind, whether we like it or not.

Each one of us has many stories to tell, many lessons to share – or not, all spiced with a bigger or smaller dose of „Dolce Vita”! I would love to listen to all of you! I lived in one year as much as in many other years put together, with all necessary flavours, of course, in a dazzling progression, I might say. So what? Amongst other things, I have learnt that the only competition that is worth to become engaged in is the one with myself, the rest is a waste of energy. If today you are better than yesterday, than tomorrow you are your own winner! I learnt ∞ that if I am to exist – in the real sense of the word – I must make myself happy. No psychoanalytic theories, no theory of happiness. Full stop. That’s me! Sooner or later I will have my share of honey from life. As far as the next year is concerned, in one of the pictures – appearing deliberately – behind me there is one of the wishes waiting its turn for more than two decades. Why not?

Not only does everything happen for a reason, but – more importantly – it is also coherent and gathers around us depending on the way in which we animate our thoughts related to that specific event. The last photo shoot of this year took place at: La Dolce Vita. Grazie Marcello Battaglia! The perfume that touches my soul: Dolce Vita. I don’t think I need to mention the phrase which is still the motto of the blog of the famous film director of La Dolce Vita, Federico Fellini – and the list may go on with many details that could make you think I’m paranoid.

But let’s talk about this “photogenic” dress, as rightfully defined by Sebastian during the photo shoot.

I proudly present to you, I admit, the first dress chosen with the eyes of a child, of IaniS. While visiting the fair V for Vintage almost 2 months ago, he was completely charmed by a dress – love at first sight – and he whispered: mommy, I just love that dress! I didn’t even consider not having it; I was also fascinated by the silk vaporous dress flowing like honey and my mind was already creating images of me wearing it on New Year’s Eve. You must know that many years ago I have undoubtedly decided to wear red on New Year’s Eve, my favourite colour in any situation.

La Dolce Vita 2015!

“We must get beyond passions, like a great work of art. In such miraculous harmony. We should learn to love each other so much to live outside of time… detached.”

La dolce vita, Federico Fellini Masterpiece

There is no end.
There is no beginning.
There is only the infinite passion of life.

Federico Fellini
