Photos by Sebastian Enache
Wearing: DEPOT 96 maxi cardigan / C&A leather waistcoat / ZARA high waisted denim shorts, shirt, mini bag / MUSETTE shoes / SCHMUCK-ART necklace
Spring amnesia with layering mood
Nu stiu cum sunteti voi, dar eu ma aflu in plina astenie de primavara tradusa in primul rand printr-un somn de noapte atat de profund, sinonim cu “am fost rapita de extraterestri”, asa incat in primele clipe, dis-de-dimineata habar n-am de ce si de unde am venit. Azi ma inunda un somn de parca as dormi toata ziua pentru ca maine sa ma ia cu asalt un extaz, o energie si un neastampar cu care simt ca pot sa cuceresc intreaga lume intr-o clipita, si toate acestea in conditiile in care imi ard talpile fiindca am inceput maratonul mental spre vara si mare. Sunt intr-un carusel!
J’adore l’air de printemps!
In consecinta, astazi va propun ceea ce se cheama moda strat cu strat (layering), mai exact ceea ce simt sa imbrac in aceasta spring amnesia with layering mood, ceva lejer de purtat, si anume o tinuta in straturi. Ma incanta suprapunerile, sunt un mix cool, in aparenta neingrijit dar intr-o maniera calculata si atragatoare, dau un efect de originalitate tinutei si cel mai important, imi lasa frau liber imaginatiei.
Stratificarea mai multor haine este de vis primavara, stylish dar si eficienta, cu vremea care se schimba de la o ora la alta in acest sezon, ma ajuta sa pot da jos si sa pun la loc cate o piesa sau sa le schimb intre ele, in cazul de fata vesta din piele sau cardiganul maxi pe care il ador si care se pastreaza in tendinte. Pantalonii scurti din denim cu talie inalta sunt un must-have, hot and sexy, fac parte din febra anilor 70 care a cuprins in acest sezon intreaga suflare fashion. Culorile conservatoare le-am animat folosindu-ma de pantofii rosii si de colierul mare si indraznet din pietre si margele colorate, un statement in aceasta primavara.
Jucati-va si incercati mai multe combinatii de modele, culoare si textura cu hainele pe care alegeti sa le suprapuneti, incepand de la rochii vaporoase sau din dantela ( nu sunteti nerabdatoare sa le purtati?) cu pulovere groase, pana la rochite cu bretele si pantaloni din piele. V-as recomanda sa nu va imbroboditi prea mult, 3 straturi sunt suficiente si sa pastrati acea women sexy power. Daca veti rascoli putin dulapul veti fi surprinse cat de multe piese vestimentare abia asteapta sa le impreunati in cele mai surprinzatoare moduri.
Doar suntem in sezonul imperecherii, nu?
Let the spring show begin! Can’t wait!
Spring amnesia with layering mood
I don’t know about you guys, but I am in full spring fever, which translates first into a night’s sleep so deep, equivalent to the “I’ve been abducted by the aliens” phrase, that early in the morning after waking up, I have no idea why and where did I come from. Today I am overwhelmed by sleep as if I could sleep all day long, only to wake up tomorrow ecstatic, feeling energy and restlessness with which I feel like I can conquer the whole world in a twinkling of an eye, and all these despite the fact that my feet are burning because I’ve started the mental race towards summer and sea. I am in a carousel!
J’adore l’air de printemps!
Therefore, today I am proposing you what’s called layered fashion (layering), more exactly what I feel like wearing in this spring amnesia with layering mood, something light, which is a layered outfit. I am passionate about overlays, they are a cool mix, apparently disorderly, but in a calculated and attractive manner, giving originality to the outfit, and most importantly, they let my imagination run wild.
Layering more clothes is heavenly in spring, stylish, but effective, since weather changes from one hour to the other this season, helping me take off and put back on a clothing piece or swap them, in this case, the leather waistcoat or maxi cardigan that I love and which is still trendy. The high waisted denim shorts are a must- have, hot and sexy, part of the 70’s fever, which this season came over the entire fashion world. I managed to liven up the conservative colors using the red shoes and the big and bold stone and colored beads necklace, which is a statement this spring.
Play and try on a number of combinations of models, color and texture for the clothes you choose to overlay, starting from vaporous or lace dresses (aren’t you just dying to wear them?) with thick sweaters to shoulder strap dresses and leather pants. I would recommend that you don’t put on too many clothes, 3 layers are more than enough and that you keep that woman sexy power. If you rake over your closet a little bit, you will be surprised at how many clothes can’t wait for you to try them on and to couple them in the most surprising ways.
It is the mating season after all, isn’t it?
Let the spring show begin! Can’t wait!
There is no end.
There is no beginning.
There is only the infinite passion of life.Federico Fellini
. Da cred ca da … acum pot comenta si pot sa-ti fac cunoscut faptul ca arati superb… Nu te-am mai vazut de mult … nu am avut acces la tehnologie … PUPICI pentru o mami frumoasa … ffff frumoasa si expresiva
frumoasa mea …. vreau sa te vad la mare ….