Photos by Catalin Eremia
Wearing: H&M dress / ZARA waistcoat, clutch bag, belt, scarf / SWAROVSKY earrings, rings / WHY DENIS shoes
Perioada de tranzitie dintre anotimpuri ma bulverseaza, ma simt cu multi pasi in urma, sunt cu gandul la anotimpul trecut si manifest din rasputeri un refuz incapatanat fata de ceea ce urmeaza (probabil singura exceptie o face trecerea de la primavara la vara cand particip la un adevarat maraton mental).
Astazi a fost sa fie ziua in care mi-am predat sufletul toamnei.
Sentimentul acesta de abandon m-a determinat sa ma compar cu o frunza intr-o cadere delicata din copac, dornica sa atinga pamantul. M-am simtit libera sa fiu melancolica, introvertita, abatuta, in ceata, chiar trista…ce lux, nu?
Intr-un final, implinita sa ating toamna!
In harmony with deep delicate feelings: ivoire delicate silk dress, sweet waistcoat, delicate cluch bag, belt with delicate beads, delicate colours, sunt franturi obsesive din ceea ce cuvintele mai pot exprima despre un look intr-o dupa-amiaza amortita de toamna. De cate ori am folosit pana acum cuvantul “toamna”? 3…Mai trebuie inca un trei invers, unite sa faca un 8 adormit si ma pun pe frecventa ∞. E bine…A venit…
La voi? Totul normal?
„Delicate like rain…and delicate like you and me”
This period of transition between seasons always confuses me, I feel like I am left behind, I can only think of the season which is ending and I stubbornly deny to accept what is coming next (probably the only exception is the transition from spring to summer when I am really going through a mental marathon).
Today was meant to be the day when I surrendered my soul to autumn.
This feeling of abandonment made me compare myself to a leaf falling off a tree in a delicate sway, eager to touch the ground. I felt free to be sentimental, introspective, nervous, confused, even sad…. could afford the luxury, couldn’t I?
Eventually, content to touch autumn!
In harmony with deep delicate feelings: ivoire delicate silk dress, sweet waistcoat, delicate clutch bag, belt with delicate beads,delicate colours, these bits of an obssession which words can still express with regards to a look in a numb autumn after-noon. How many times have I used the word “autumn” so far? 3 times… I sill need a mirror image of this three to make a sleepy 8 and turn to the ∞ frequency. It’s ok….It’s here…
And you? Everything normal?
„Delicate like rain…and delicate like you and me”
There is no end.
There is no beginning.
There is only the infinite passion of life.Federico Fellini
Autumn makes me feel the same sometimes.. for exemple, yesterday I felt free to be sentimental, introspective, nervous, confused, romantic and even sad…could afford the luxury, couldn’t I…yes..for a day…i could.. 🙂
But i love autumn’s colours and atmosphere , especially october, full of colours….In harmony with this are the clothes that i’m wearing it ..
@ Alina: Only for a day…;-)…then it’s ∞ love…
Evident ca aceleași trăiri sau sentimente m au năpădit poate putin intr o alta ordine sau succesiune ceata abătut abandonat trist insa exista modul de a rezona cu alte persoane ce deși cu un 8 adormit …reușeșsc sa ti dea o anumită frecventa totul devenind mai …..delicate intrind ușor ușor in normalitate chiar sub mingierea unui cojocel călduros cu colorit pufos de un stil elegant si in tendința ….’14
@ Adi BreAzu: Deci se poate si fara cojocel? Cand ai de gand sa faci comentarii mai putin ” delicate”? Glumesc! Imi plac foarte mult comentariile tale! Multumesc!