Dreaming DANA

Simonity | August 8, 2014 - 6 Comments

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Photos by Catalin Eremia

Wearing: DANA BUDEANU dress / ZARA shoes / PARFOIS necklace, brooch / HAND MADE Mauritius bag

Dreaming DANA

Pentru ca nu exista o prima  noapte linistita de dupa lansarea unei noi colectii in care sa nu ma zvarcolesc gandindu-ma la urmatoarea achizitie,  visandu-ma la propriu in noile rochii, pentru ca dimineata inainte sa deschid ochii stiu exact ce vreau, pentru ca nu mai exista pace in suflet pana ce coletul nu ajunge la usa!  Pentru ca DANA!  Atat de grav nu mi se mai intampla cu nimic altceva de imbracat!

Pentru ca din colectia de vara visul a fost caramiziu iar realitatea chiar mai frumoasa!

Am I the only one crazy here?

Voi ce obsesii vestimentare aveti?

Dreaming DANA

Because there is no quiet first night after the launch of a new collection when I feel agitated thinking of my next purchase, literally dreaming of me wearing new dresses, because in the morning, before I open my eyes I know exactly what I want, because there is no peace in my soul until that package reaches the door! Because DANA! That seriously never happened to me while thinking of other outfits!

Because from the summer collection the dream was brick-red and reality even more beautiful!

Am I the only one crazy here?

What king of clothes obsessions do you have?

There is no end.
There is no beginning.
There is only the infinite passion of life.

Federico Fellini
